Buy or wait on renogy lithium iron phosphate batteries

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Well-known member
Jul 9, 2015
Reaction score
I’m going to buy a van and do a build out next year and upgrade the batteries from my deep cycle gold batteries.

I’ve been doing interior designing and roof design stuff and found these batteries 23% off. Renogy Lithium Iron Phosphate Batt...B07FDHRP45/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_11s5DbM4A9DX5

I’d save about $660 if I buy the 2 I plan on. The warranty is 5 year pro rated so I’d pay $433 for the year lost if the batteries need to be pro rated out.

It makes sense to me to buy them now and store them until I start my build in 10 months. Wanted to run it buy smarter minds to see what you guys think about it was well.


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If you are going to start a buildout in 10 months, I would wait the 12 months for next years deals unless your buildout will be a quick one and you are leaving right away. Pricing may be even lower next year.
There will be deals on batteries next year, no need to buy/store them now. I had the same problem this year on black Friday. My wife told me about an overhead furnace for my shop that was on sale, but I didn't have the room to store it while I built my shop walls. I said "there will be deals next year also".
I have noticed that lately the prices have been dropping. Lots of new companies offering them. A year's time will often see products drop in price when it comes to solar panels and associated materials.

The wiring itself is likely to increase in price as the cost of copper has been steadily increasing. So if you want to get a jump on buying bits and pieces of components that would be an OK place to begin. Just go ahead and design your system and get things such as the crimps, wires, tools etc.
Not many ppl talk about mighty max lithium batteries. I think they are a pretty good deal. And American made.
got a link to those Mighty Max batteries? all I can find are Gel, AGM and Sealed Lead Acid. highdesertranger
thanks Giuseppe, sure has a poor warranty for such an expensive battery. 2 year is like an el cheapo Walmart battery aren't Battle Born 10 year?
Battleborn has a 10 year warranty. That's why I bought them. Northern Arizona Wind and Sun had a 10% off sale on them. That's when I pulled the trigger. It pays to subscribe for email notifications from NAWS. (Northern Arizona Wind and Sun). I bought all my solar from them on sale.

I realize these batteries are going to drop in price as time goes on but I needed them now. I'll grit my teeth (again) later
I got 2 battle horns also. I feel you.

The mighty max is 200 cheaper than BB and has solid bms and specs. I would buy it over the renogy battery. But I also didn't look at renogy's warranty. Renogy to me is kinda go in the cheap Chinese junk column. Its slightly better than chinese junk and is made in taiwan i believe.

I was going to get MM but decided on BB last minute
Yep, if I were the original poster, I'd wait to buy until I really needed to install them. There's probably going to be a lot of competition as this technology catches on. Prices will drop
$499 100Ah. $799 for 200AH. china, no warranty. Some have found cells marked 174ah for the 200ah bank. Possibly B grade cells. But otherwise people say they work well.

195AH - $659
BLS is one of oldest and most sales on aliexpress with good reviews from other forums. Good customer service if you chat and will customize BMS for you.