Butane stove not working

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Well-known member
Jul 10, 2019
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Hello. I’m 2 hours into my day and nothing seems to be working out  :(

I have a Coleman butane camp stove that won’t light. I see the ignition sparking and tried using a lighter as well. Apparently the fuel isn’t coming out. The fuel can is about 1/2 full and I haven’t used the stove in a while.

I found this site for old *propane* stoves. Does anyone know if there are significant differences to account for besides the number of burners and the type of fuel? I imagine the butane delivery tubing is blocked up, stopping the fuel from reaching the burner. Can I use the instructions for propane stoves to safely get my butane stove working again?

Do you have another can of fuel you can switch so you can tell whether it's the stove or the can?
X2 on what Mr. Noodly said.

Also that page you linked to is for Coleman White Gas stoves not propane. Totally different.

If I remember correctly Butane stoves have a safety device that if your fuel can is not installed correctly the gas will not flow. Have you checked this?

I don’t have another can.

@HDR That’s what I was afraid of. I ejected & reset the fuel can into the lock several times. I thought there was maybe blockage in the tubing
It is unlikely the tube is blocked unless somehow a tiny spider got in and built a nest in the tube. Once in a while my fairly new butane stove simply does not lock on properly. There seems to be a slight hangup point in the sheet metal parts. So I have to manually push around on the stove's metal pieces to release the jam. One of these days I will have to take a much loser look at it to find the interference area it is catching on and resolve the issue. Fortunately I have quite a lot of background experience with resolving issues on mechanical assemblies and travel with small sized tools such a needle files and needle nose pliers to help fix such things.
I have and used two Coleman Butane stoves. Nothing has failed on either. I left one get too greasy dirty so got another. I have had problems with canisters. They do not want to gas if low on product and cold, or open to high. One trick I used when the cans got low is to heat it up a bit. I used warm water, but once I took the canister into sleeping bag.
Weight said:
...One trick I used when the cans got low is to heat it up a bit. I used warm water, but once I took the canister into  sleeping bag.

Since it's summer, the can could be set in the sun for a little bit.
I bought a new can of butane and still no luck. I didn’t try leaving it out in the sun since it’s already 70-80 degrees out. I guess tomorrow I’ll be buying a new stove. Any recommendations?
The Gas One brand is well made and it comes in a dual fuel version. Meaning you can get a hose adapter for it and use it with the green 1lb cylinder propane bottles or use it with butane cans.

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