Breakdown drinks

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Well-known member
Apr 2, 2017
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on the bench
What is your favorite drink to have when you are working on your rig beside the road? I am currently having mango lemonade.

Mechanical question. What is with these van doors!! Seems my most frequent concern is with the RH back door. Right now it is stuck partially shut, so inoperable and the lock switch is open. Not a happy van. Promaster.

Any hints on drinks or mechanical links appreciated.   -crofter
Bummer, and hope you are up and running again soon.

I like Jameson and ginger ale, with a squeeze of lime.

Or, if it’s cold and wintry out, hot whiskey made with Jameson, wedge of lemon studded with cloves, a cube  of sugar, and a little boiling water.
I was reading forums and found that I can unplug the rear door sensor and all the other door locks will work. Then to dismantle the lock -eventually.    -crofter
I removed the top inside latch (allen wrenches) and the door opened. Now to put it all back together again.  -crofter
Adjusted all the way out and it's working now. Thanks for all the kind thoughts and beverages.  -crofter
travlin man and wife said:
What kind of van and year
2017 Promaster 1500. My back doors have had some abuse though, not a factory issue. I am learning all about how to fix back doors in 10 easy lessons beside the road. Requires set of allen wrenches, screwdriver, and Promaster van to play.  -crofter
Hoping I never have to work on my rig when it is broke down beside the road.

But if it was then whatever I have on hand would be the drink I used. Most likely that would be water or a bottle of something that I do not have to stop and heat up on a stove.

But I suspect this posting is not a real survey but is instead just your way of having a conversation about being broke down and getting thirsty while you are trying to fix an issue you want to vent about having to fix :)
Ya definitely don't want to be drinking alcohol on the side of the road when there's a possibility of a peace officer or ranger stopping by to check on a broken down vehicle.
Believe it or not but wild bat guano coffee.  Never thought I'd try it, but a friend turned me on to it.  Very smooth, with no bitter aftertaste. It's not just for breakdowns anymore...
bigsallysmom said:
...drinking alcohol on the side of the road....
Thanks for the safety tip bigsallysmom. I'm non alcoholic but sounds like some might need self medication depending on the breakdown. If it is that bad there is also the towtruck option, includes company on the long drive back to town.   -crofter

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