Boy what a challenge.

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Jun 27, 2016
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Cousin Bob.  I've used that line a time or two, always it seems in the wrong places.  BTW we would have to go back many generations probably to establish we are cousins.  I was sweating blood trying to get started, not too clear on some steps.  I finally am getting the idea, but a couple of suggestions while I remember them.  Once we have entered the Activation code:  and it has been accepted could you have a window open up that says "You are accepted" or something.  I   didn't have to enter that code, so when i got back to the forums i worked and worked to log in and it kept saying "Wrong'  finally i used my e-mail address instead of my name and then I got right in.  I had problems figuring out how to post  a message also.   I didn't think I wanted to start a new thread so wandered around a long time trying to find a way to enter a "hello" message.  Anyway, it's after midnight, that may have added to my problems.  I'm contemplating getting a cargo van and "bounce back and forth from coast to coast".  I'll be reading  lots and lots in here.   Gene
Gene, I'm really sorry you had all those problems, but I'm also really glad you finally figure it out. We're here to ehlp and support you in ny way we can!! Feel free to ask any questions or share any problems and needs you may have!
Hello Gene,  Please don't feel bad about having trouble getting registered/logged in. :s  Id' probably still be trying 6mo later if I hadn't had some help.

There is so much to learn here {for me anyway} and some really nice and helpful people too.  I hate to be the last to "hear"" about something here so I usually go right to "Forums" at the top of the page, then "New Posts", and when I've checked out the ones I'm interested in I start on the "Today's Posts".  I think I've read all the archived Blogs & the Conversions also.  This is just what I do to try and catch up or keep up with all the information here'

Oh by the way WELCOME   :)            Jewellann/TJB
Welcome to the CRVL forums Tulsatraveler! I'm sorry for the difficulty. I'm hoping the (volunteer) developers of the MyBB open-source software that we use will fix some of that clunkiness in their next major version upgrade (2.xx). Anyway, I'm glad you made it here.

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

We look forward to hearing more from you.
Welcome aboard Gene
Glad you got it figured out and now are on the air!
As TJB said there is a LOT of info already here you can spend some time going through.
If you have any questions just ask , we don't get tired of answering the same ones a bit !
Hope we can help your dream come true..............

To reply to a thread just go to the last post and click New Reply or just start typing in the quick reply box , then click on the post reply button.
To start your own thread , which is a good idea cuz you'll get more specific replies to your question .
Go to the top of the page and click Vandweller community forums , then look for a forum that your question seems to fit best and click on that , you will see a button to start a new thread , click enter a title and you're ready to ask away!

Notice too that there is a thread for things that don't fit in (or something like that )

Don't be shy we all started at one point.....
Thanks rvpopeye,  I appreciate your telling me to ask any question, but I think I will wait and read most of the stuff already on here.  I\'m sure other people have asked the same questions I have several times.  just found out the company that had 2 of the extended vans they were selling didn't hold them until I got my financing in order  (they have a fleet of 114 vehicles - but only those two were extended vans)  So now its back to the hunting again.  It will give me more time to read.
Another new person here to let you know everyone has been very kind. There are no wrong questions. You will get good honest answers, even if you may not like them. After reading a lot and posting a bit, I feel very ok.
Welcome! I'm new as well, but it seems like an amazing group of people! Very informative from that I've read, surely a place to hang your hat!