Boondocking Love Story

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Oct 19, 2012
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Wintertime and well below freezing -  we pull up in front of a mom & pop type bar/cafe/casino in Montana. Seeking sustinence, refreshments and entertainment. we proceed into the establishment and partake of the facilities.

Several hours later I leave my sweetheart at the poker tables (actually she told be to take a hike, she was winning) and retired to the van, as I had partaken of the refreshments liberally and required a nap.

Now, I was in the process of redoing the van, so all there was it it was a plywood floor and a box of camping gear in one corner. I scrounged around and came up with one sleeping bag and a part roll of bubble wrap to sleep on. 

Even though the temperature in the van was well below freezing, I was comfortably snuggled up on the bubble wrap and in the sleeping bag. In comes my lady and she too decides a nap is in order. considering it is past midnight and we would have to drive across the border to get back to our home in Canada.

So we both settle in, very snuggly, into the single sleeping bag on the square of bubble wrap and so spend the night.

Awakening to a very cold van, I shrug off my half of a very small bag and start the engine to warm things up and then immediately get back to bed. After awhile the van is fairly warm and the windshield is starting to defrost a little. We get up to the front seats to soak in the warmth.

It was then that we realized that we were parked within three feet of the restaurant windows and the cafe was filled with breakfast patrons. So half clad and with disheveled hair, I back the van to a more secluded spot in the parking lot.

After grooming as best we can in our bare-bones van, we go in for breakfast and are greeted with applause and smiles all around. The owner treats us to a free meal and later suggests that we use the free campground at the rear of the establishment the next time we visit.

That boondocking experience was over 30 years ago and that girlfriend is now my wife.

We have a Roadtrek now with a furnace and a shower and all the dodads, but that old van has many good memories.

Les Doll

A quote from an internet friend of mine at

"I am so blessed to wake up alive finding peace and harmony in simple pleasures."