BobBski 2017..

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The girls are enjoying the Monday morning sunshine 


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Supper tonight, speckled sea trout 


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The girls basking in the sun and freshly caught fish for dinner. Heaven! :)
I can hear what the girls are thinking "Sun good, but is that dinner I smell!"
Thanks y'all, we're definitely enjoying the stay here.  Mentioning smell, I have to keep close eye on the girls as they dig and sift through the seaweed lol...they find all kinds of things and want to roll in it or eat it.  I go around and make sure all the discarded fishing line, hooks and trash are picked up before letting them out.

And a great way to end the day, life is good


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I have a new fishing buddy that had his dog get hooked in the gum while he wasn't paying attention. He apparently didn't know how to remove a hook by pressing down on the back to disengage the barb. After watching the dog owner get bit and mauled bleeding so badly one of the older fishermen suggested he drown the dog first, then he would remove the hook while the bleeding owner could resuscitate the dog with mouth to mouth! Seeing that the guy was considering it I took my long needle nose and popped the hook out before the dog even knew I had gotten it out. Fishing can be really entertaining and you get to make new friends especially when your catching fish!
Knew a guy who fished off the White Street pier in Key West every morning. He always had his big chow-mix dog with him, dog always got the first fish of the day. Guy would pull it off the hook and toss it on the ground... that dog would go to town on that fish! All that would be left would be a fin or piece of the tail when he was done.
Bullfrog...ouch on the poor pup, anyone who does a lot of fishing need to know how to properly remove them for sure.

Queen...some breeds handle fish bones real well but that's one thing I watch out for with the girls and getting any bones lodged in their throat.
Whoa, batteries fully recharged by 10:45 a.m.  Any reservations I may have had about solar have long since disappeared.  I really don't put any kids no of strain on this 200/200 system though.  My 50 quart Dometic and one led ceiling light is about all it regularly has to power.


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This is an old photo from my truck driving days.  Full sitting on the hood staring straight at me.  I call it "where's the beef" :)


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30 second video clip of girls chillaxin in the morning sun
Girls sound asleep and snoring 

28 second video 


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Throw back Thursday memory.  1982, my daughter with her first king salmon.  She brought it in unassisted and I netted it for her. :)


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Yes it is, lol, she handled it just fine though. I asked her several times if she wanted some help, she said no. Stubborn :)
I caught a big fish when I was young, been trying to catch another one ever since, that is a terrible thing to do to a kid! Ha! I have more fun watching parents with kids learning to fish almost than fishing.
Teaching and watching my kids catch fish was very enjoyable and we went probably 3 weekends a month in the summer. Jodi still fishes, in her late 30s, and has bested the size of that fish several times. To me, fishing isn't about the catching, it's about nature and comraderie with family and friends.
Caught a couple sand trout for supper tonight


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