BobBski 2017..

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I've been concerned about generator security on cloudy days when I use it.  The girls and I take some rather long walks and I've worried the generator might not not be there when we get back.  So bought a really heavy duty and lockable cable to secure it to the vehicle.  Honda also sell a metal handle guard as well that I'm going to pick up.


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With battery cut-off tools I don't think cables or locks will stop or hardly slow someone from taking it. The best anti-thief device I've seen while campground hosting was a realistic dummy in a lawn chair "sleeping" with bib overalls and big straw hat. So real I walked up to him to remind him to pay his fees!
LOL, some of the speed enforcement her in texas works that way, too, just park a police car by the side of the road, no cop in it, works pretty well at getting folks to slow down, so long as it isn't overused
You can't stop actual thieves with all the tools of the trade but it keeps the honest folks honest. :)
When I was that age my neighbor would take me out to catch us some shark....
Then we'd chop 'em up to throw in the traps for lobbies !!!!!!!
I remember those trip like yesterday , hmmm maybe better than yesterday!
Bet she will remember those trips with you long after you're gone.
ArtW said:
LOL, some of the speed enforcement her in texas works that way, too, just park a police car by the side of the road, no cop in it, works pretty well at getting folks to slow down, so long as it isn't overused

Back in the early 80's the little town of Islamorada in the Keys used a plywood cutout of a squad car to slow down speeders.  It was funny as hell over the years, when they didn't bother to repaint it and it was all faded out, still caught the occasional not-too-bright person.  :p
I've been amazed at the number and size of ant hills here in Texas 


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A dolphin washed up today and Fish and Game retrieved it for autopsy as there were no external signs of injury 


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The lawns make it worse, I think. Fire ants don't have a natural predator here but they really seem to thrive in the lawn. I'm out in the woods and anthills are much more spread out here.

If I never get bitten by a fire ant again, it'll be too damn soon.
January 2017 composite slideshow, 7:07 minutes
Hey Bob, just checking in, hope all is well at the beach!
The girls and I moved over to Port Aransas Tx for awhile, beautiful place right on the water.


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The girls are loving Port Aransas, no burrs or stickers get into their paws ::). Here's a 1:49 video of them playing.  They sometimes test me on how far away they can go hahaha.     


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That's good stuff, Bob! I know my old border collies were not fans of those goatheads sticking in their paws all the time.
The girls seem to have learned the scent or sight of them, they don't just jump into grassy areas now, they investigate the borders first.
Loved the video. It makes me think that I ought to get Mikkey a playmate.
My bucket with padded rotating seat serves many purposes.  Shown here it acts as very stabilized solar panel stand.  It also stores the girls food, acts as my chair while cooking in the van, table while eating in the van and stand for Mr Buddy or fan when needed.  It's a guest seat for company, a back up toilet and has done duty in several other capacities.  Definitely pays its way :)


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Sheba says one of her favorite things in life is afternoon siestas with Dad


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Max says he hopes it cooler there than here. 40% humidity is down right muggy.

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