BobBski 2017..

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Nov 2017 Consolidated Slideshow.


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Looks like you got a hole in your map where Arkansas should be. Used to work at the trout hatchery at Heber Springs but lordy the skeeders, make sure the pups are treated for heart worms if you ever go!
Be hitting Arkansas in the spring :). The girls take a monthly pill that covers them, Trifexis. Thanks for the heads up on the trout pond. All the best to ya.
Broke out the CanCooker today to fix up 5 lbs of cubed chicken breasts.  Chicken Broth, salt, pepper, minced onion, garlic powder, crushed red pepper.  Will bag it up in 6 ziplocks and use over the next week.  Life is good.


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Bob your pics sure make me miss TX.  Have you seen or heard of a place called The Wounded Armadillo in the Rosenburg TX area?  Now I need to go Google "Can Cooker".

I saw the teeniest Chihuahua today at the vet.  She's 9ys old and so sweet.  I hope your girls are well.   Today Queenie had a hair cut sitting on the washing machine here at home this morning.  Then the vet gave her a shot, a exam, cut her nails & gave her a poke.  He poked her and she bit me :huh:  Next time he needs to stand on the bitting end for sure.  
We spent the afternoon at her brothers.  Queenie and Rat Dawg had a fenced 1/2 acre play pen to run in and big dog next door to fuss at :D  A good time was had by everyone.

Safe Travels To Ya'll

Jewellann and Queenie
LOL on the bite. The girls are great around people and the vet but, they have not been socialized around other dogs and bark to no end when around. My shortcoming not theirs. Take care.
Every time I park and turn off the motor the girls get all excited and are ready to get outside. Today, when I opened the door and called to them, they didn’t move, just stared at me pitifully. I wonder if rain, 25-30 mph wind and 44 degree temps had anything to do with it?
LOL, no I wimped out too. Today’s gonna be a laundry and cuddle with the girls in the van day with a good movie. :)
Beautimous ending to a great solar day:)


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In van life it’s good to have things with multiple uses.  My chair acts as an early morning solar panel stand and on rainy days, along with a small tarp, acts as a garage to protect the generator, which fits neatly under the seat.


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Checked the weather forecast today and found myself singing “That’s the Way I Like It” by KC and the Sunshine Boys (1974)


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Solar panels doing their job.  

The 1st picture represents fully charged 200 amp hour house batteries.  The charge controller isn’t allowing any further amps into the batteries.

Second picture reflects what happens when the refrigerator kicked on.  The charge controller is now sending 5.6 amps to the batteries to offset the refrigerator usage.

It’s 1:30 pm so for the rest of the day any power used is strictly from the sun, so batteries will be fully charged for nighttime use.


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For 16 months I’ve been debating on adding an awning.  Conclusion: Don’t think so.  Instead I use a Sportbrella XL, which I’ve used for several years.  Great wind, water, and sun repellent and much more adaptable (movable) to changing conditions.


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Can you put a flag pole mount on the van with a couple tie downs an mount it over the door on calm days maybe?
I just set it up next to the door, no need to be mounted.
Trivia: Heating Costs in Vanlife.

Mr Buddy using green canisters;$0.78 per hour

Mr Buddy using 20 lb tank $0.22 per hour

Electric Heater (750 watt) w/Generator $0.28 per hour.

Note: the generator concurrently kept batteries fully charged, ran the refrigerator and ran my CPAP machine.