Blooming where I'm planted.....for now ;)

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Jul 11, 2018
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Salutations :),

     I'm so excited to be dipping a toe or two into these waters......and impatient to begin living life on the road. My name is Liz, and after discovering Bob's YouTube channel I feel as though I've found hope to settle the restlessness I've felt my entire life! I have a 23-year old son who has a touch of my wanderlust and who fully supports my plan to become debt-free and hit the road. There's so much to see and I don't want to get any older (I'm 51 as of this writing) and have any more regrets about not seeing more of our beautiful country. 

    I've never really experienced great loneliness or boredom, and it's comforting to me to see that I'm not alone in that (no pun intended). I'm just tired of constantly being surrounded by people (that sounds horrible), especially when I see their capacity for great unkindness toward others. Also, it seems unnatural and unhealthy to me to have to schedule time around work/taking care of a house/financial obligations to do what's most important for my physical, spiritual, and emotional well-being. 

     What else.....I have a million questions about this, that and the other; but for now, I'm just setting concrete intentions, writing things down, and focusing on paying off my debt so I can embark on my nomad life free and clear!

     I look forward to all there is to learn here, and to many new and lasting friendships along the way!

     Peace and love  :shy:
What else.....I have a million questions about this said:
     I look forward to all there is to learn here, and to many new and lasting friendships along the way!

     Peace and love  :shy:

Hello Liz...

this is the perfect place for a million questions.... so many people that have the experience....

looking forward to your progress in pictures and blogs

Welcome to the CRVL forums Liz! Good luck with your plans. Keep us updated!

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.