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May 28, 2018
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Any birders out there.  We plan to go to Whitewater Draw in Arizona following RTR (Feb ish_) The videos that folks have shared look as if it gets pretty crowded.  Do you know if there is any overflow
Yeah there are plenty of spacious areas to park a bit out of the way if you want to Stealth Camp. I don't go to any of these events or crowded areas. I tend to stick to areas where I am alone most of the time the past couple years. I just wanna relax you know, need a break.

I was going to do a Big Year (full ABA area) back in 2013 but I lost a lot of money an wasn't able too. Now I can't because my health is pretty shitty so I can't travel all the time. I just get it all done at once and than stay stationed in whatever area for a while.
Desertthorn said:
Any birders out there.  We plan to go to Whitewater Draw in Arizona following RTR (Feb ish_) The videos that folks have shared look as if it gets pretty crowded.  Do you know if there is any overflow
My birding hobby is one of the bigger draws for me. All my life has been spent inland in the 
east so the move to a van would be as good as a whole new world!
I am an avid birder - life list 407 - but more interested in Bird watching than bird counting.  I have spend hundreds of hours watching even some of the most common birds behaviors and communication.   I am fascinated by all of nature - wildflowers, birds, and insects and and and...
I always see photos of bird watchers on Reddit and it looks like a pretty awesome thing to accomplish.
We try to get up to Maumee Bay SP (Ohio) around Mother's day to do some camping, which happens to be a huge birding week in Northern Ohio.
There are lots of long (paved, and unpaved) hiking trails, and a beautiful, elevated boardwalk nature preserve that is fascinating to walk any time of the year. We will be heading up to one of the SP cabins in February.
I watch the birds and try to identify any that I don't know but I have never counted how many I've seen. Not sure If I count as a birder more of just a nature watcher overall.
My wife bought me a tablet last year for Christmas. I wanted one to keep a journal as I move forward with my travel plans. I was able to link it with the Audubon birds site. It is an awesome app because it shows great pictures, details the bird's description, and where to find them. It also comes with the sounds the birds make, which helps me to identify them. You can also log where you saw them and add details of my sighting.
I wasn't a "birder" until recently when I started feeding stellar jays! It's really been amazing. I'm only giving them food approved for them specifically or unroasted unsalted almonds. They don't yell at me anymore- they just patiently wait for me to appear! So fun.
I actually really want to observe owls.
I like to watch for birds as we travel.... But mostly just watch the birds at my house. Eagels, hawks, owls, juncos, chickadees, jays, woodpeckers and finches and ...... And if those #$%@ things don't stop eating my apples !.!........
I have been hoping to find a spot to watch the geese as they head south I love that sound they make while flying. We stopped years ago on a trip and watched pelicans dive and fed the gulls (not on purpose) our lunch. There is a ton of crows that have been known to follow folks around in Ocean Shores. They will follow cars of people that feed them or are careless with their picnics.
Talk about seeing unusual birds in the Southwest I got to see a spoonbill roseate at Lake Powell several years ago. I guess it got blown up here in a severe storm! My favorite sighting was on Hwy 24 north of Hanksville Utah a few days after a rain storm the way a large puddle that had dried up to a point the was a large white pelican, a great blue heron and a seagull standing shoulder to shoulder looking pathetically at the little puddle their feet were in!