biodegradable trash bags

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Well-known member
Apr 13, 2012
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Anyone seen or used these? Are they readily available? Just came across these online. I try to recycle as much as possible but living on the road my be more of a challenge. I plan on using a luggable loo "john" with a bag so these look pretty promising.
You can only do so much... burn paper, recycle alum and not destroy the environment with unneeded trash... for the Loo, well you are doing better than most house holds with disposable diapers with all the plastic... Just buy good bags with tie's and deposit your waste without worry... the alternative is a trench which well is nasty on a long stay....A lil plastic is better compared to a toxic and smelly trench...<br><br>
Rollin said:
Anyone seen or used these? Are the&nbsp;readily&nbsp;available? Just came&nbsp;across&nbsp;these&nbsp;&nbsp;online. I try to recycle as much as&nbsp;possible but living on the road my be more of a&nbsp;challenge. I plan on using a&nbsp;luggable&nbsp;loo&nbsp;"john" with a bag so these look pretty promising.
The "biodegradable" trash bags i've seen are designed to fall apart into tiny pieces when exposed to sunlight.&nbsp; Depending on your use, that could be a problem.<br><br><br>
<p style="margin: 0px;">
A lil plastic is better compared to a toxic and smelly trench...<br><br>
</p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">Smelly, yes, but toxic? If a bear poops in the woods, why can't we? lol</p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p>
I brought this question up&nbsp;because most of my van&nbsp;dwelling will be done in the cities or small towns where there may not be a bathroom or wooded area to use.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Soniaksk, &nbsp;Do you sell to the general public? If so what&nbsp;retailers? I have seen them for sale on Amazon but ordering through them is not going to be&nbsp;very&nbsp;feasible in my situation.&nbsp;
Sorry, I deleted that post from the "marketer". She just joined today to respond to that thread, with a link I was unable to verify. We don't work that way. I would accept a link from an invested member, but not otherwise.<div><br></div><div>Kate</div>
<p style="margin: 0px;">
<span id="post_message_1273462332">I brought this question up because most of my van dwelling will be done in the cities or small towns where there may not be a bathroom or wooded area to use.&nbsp; </span><br>
</p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">I know, Rollin lol. I was merely trying to be amusing - apparently unsuccessfully...</p>
That was pretty interesting. I can't imagine a biodegradable trash bag.<br>
Actually I have been thinking of using them. &nbsp;I found them on the walmart website. &nbsp;They are way more expensive then regular ones though. &nbsp;I was thinking then I could dispose of them by digging and then covering the bag with earth like how you are normally in the forest supposed to dispose of it for the times I need to go while late at night.<div><br></div><div>Plastic doesn't break down for years and years. &nbsp;So how is that going to work with a bag of .... &nbsp; &nbsp;Am I over thinking this. &nbsp;haha.</div>
I just checked out the Wall-Mart sight and saw the Glad bags they have for sale. Cost would be about $.25 per bag. That's not bad considering you would only need to use them in an emergency.&nbsp;<div><br></div><div>The problem is they don't sell them in stores&nbsp;at least not 50 miles from my location. I'm going to take a guess that this kind of trash bag becomes more and more popular. That should drive the price down and&nbsp;increase&nbsp;the&nbsp;availability.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</div>
Oh the ones I saw were like .75 cents a bag. &nbsp;.25 cents is reasonable especially like you said only use for emergencies.
I've been told by an environmentalist that what the bags biodegrade into is worse than the bags, themselves.&nbsp; But I don't know this for sure. <br>
Well isn't it that always the case. &nbsp;I feel whenever I try to do good for the earth and put effort into it to find the info I seriously end up finding out I'm not. &nbsp;It's so complex and so many factors. &nbsp;&nbsp;

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