Better Toilets

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Scott, the RV industry hasn't switched because the consumer, for the most part, is so accustomed to flushing the toilet that anything but a flush toilet won't fly with them.

Even here where the average newbie is more open to options, particularly less costly ones, the initial reaction to a) guys sitting down to pee and b) having to manage their own body waste, is one of 'OMG, NOooooo!

Oh and that electric one - well it takes power and most of us are extremely aware of our power usage. In use reviews also aren't all that great, most of the bad reviews noted that the twisting action of the bag forces liquid up in to the next section therefore requiring a second 'flush'. The bags used are comprised of both plastic and mylar, both environmentally unfriendly and IIRC the actual per use cost is just over a dollar a flush. They may be okay for disaster relief but not something that would work for ongoing long term use.
I have nothing against someone trying something and maybe it will work great for some people. However I would think diet would play a role in how well this would work. My diet of hotwings and chili infused with slimjims would probably not work very well.
bullfrog said:
Frankly I sometimes think we over think things here but I still liked the older motorhomes that made a slurry of waste and injected it in the exhaust manifold where it was burned by the engine exhaust as you drove down the highway, talk about running rich!

Never heard that one before? My oldest vintage MH was a 73. Pray tell which MH's had that option?

Gas station attendant to motorist, sir, your windshield looks like crap, where have you been driving?
That Japanese thing sounds a lot like a diaper genie. I would think you could just sit atop a Diaper Genie and do your bidness...They even make an adapter now so it works with grocery bags, which are free.

Still, IMHO, putting **** in a dumpster, no matter how "packaged" it is really should be avoided. Imagine if there were 10-20X the amount of people doing that in the same place. That dumpster would not even be approachable...
the GMC motor homes were one of the ones that had the poo injected into the exhaust. highdesertranger
ZoNiE said:
Still, IMHO, putting **** in a dumpster, no matter how "packaged" it is really should be avoided. Imagine if there were 10-20X the amount of people doing that in the same place. That dumpster would not even be approachable...

There's already a shitload of **** (pardon my pun) in ordinary trash. Everything from used diapers to doggie doo to kitty litter.

The contribution from van-dwellers is negligable.
highdesertranger said:
the GMC motor homes were one of the ones that had the poo injected into the exhaust.  highdesertranger
Early to mid 70's Barth had them as an option.
bullfrog said:
Early to mid 70's Barth had them as an option.
So these were self emptying toilets then? I imagine a smog station now days would have a fit. :p
I was kinda kidding about the Cabellas product. While they make a lithium self charging power supply and battery spending 1500 bucks on a porta potty in which you still have to bag. tag, and toss poo is not so cool.

I like the diaper twister addition. Good idea. I had a fussy cat; if he used his box twice and found poo I found poo in my work boot. It was our arrangement. When he got older he started going 2 or 3 times a day. The arrangement was not renegotiated...I got one of those scooping boxes and modified it to fit and dump into a diaper twister. Motion sensor engages twister. No more duty boots with poo. I could even go a week if I left the wildlife channel on and the auto cat feeder didn't malfunction. When it did the cat checker would have to toss food in the door and quickly retreat. 20 pounds of old fury anyone else would have destroyed, but we got along well enough and he was happy with me and me alone till he turned 22 or so.. Miss him.
Fulltiming 8 months now and still haven't done a #2 in my portapotty.. but then again, I stay local...
Had one emergency, sorta, and considered it.. but quickly ran for safety....

I'm talking about my bathroom escapades... and people will read them... and have opinions... maybe even comment...

yep.. so is my life now... :)
ArmorAbby said:
Fulltiming 8 months now and still haven't done a #2 in my portapotty.. but then again, I stay local...  
Had one emergency, sorta, and considered it.. but quickly ran for safety....

I'm talking about my bathroom escapades... and people will read them... and have opinions... maybe even comment...  

yep.. so is my life now... :)

I don't think I've used mine more than three or four times in two years. Like you, I always have someplace nearby.
I've been happy using a composting toilet. I don't have any qualms about throwing the bag in a dumpster somewhere. It's going to the dump afterall. It will have plenty of time to compost there. I do like having a bathroom in the van. I have never regretted taking up the extra space. But I wanted something easy and there's nothing easier then just throwing a bag in a dumpster. No black tanks to empty so I don't have to be forever searching for a dump station because I never stay in RV parks.
highdesertranger said:
the GMC motor homes were one of the ones that had the poo injected into the exhaust.  highdesertranger

Not all of them. The Thermasan was an option, that thankfully had a low take rate. Mind didn't have one.
I got a question here.. what if you've got the dribblin *****? ..Willy.
I've read up on the different potty methods folks are recommending. Have one question, if you live in a car and use the bucket method, where do you put it so you can sit on it? I'm not in a car yet, but seems to me, looking at the height of cars,  you would have to use it outside. Is that right? If so, what do you do for privacy? Also, are there special 5 gal buckets made for this purpose? Or what do you buy? And, how much weight can they support? Thanks!
mert6706 said:
I've read up on the different potty methods folks are recommending. Have one question, if you live in a car and use the bucket method, where do you put it so you can sit on it? I'm not in a car yet, but seems to me, looking at the height of cars,  you would have to use it outside. Is that right? If so, what do you do for privacy? Also, are there special 5 gal buckets made for this purpose? Or what do you buy? And, how much weight can they support? Thanks!

Hi, I'm not a van dweller , but wanted to reply.  I have followed VanDwellers on Yahoo Groups, FaceBook and here for over 10 years; plus I have camped in many different forms.  On Bob's You Tube Channel you can find Suanne's story about living in her Prius and how she sets up her potty.  it's probly on here as well.   she uses it in her car, I'm sure she has some privacy shades and lots of practice to perfect her routine.  also in some areas I see people have set up little privacy tents.   otherwise , if you are in urban areas there are always public accessible restrooms.

when I camp with my car or Teardrop I have a small plastic trashcan I use for night time , I empty and rinse. I keep Wet Ones handy, also bar of soap at the spigot when I'm in a state park.   also check out Luggable Loo
mert6706 said:
 . . .  if you live in a car and use the bucket method, where do you put it so you can sit on it?

When I traveled in a Subaru Forester I usually used my bucket outside.  If privacy was desired I opened the front and back doors and hung a sheet between.  I had taken the front passenger seat out so if nasty outside, with some awkward moving things around I could place the bucket there and use it.

 -- Spiff
I'm in a Prius where space is at a premium. So, no cat litter, peat moss, pine shavings, or ice chest for me. In fact, I use a 2 gallon bucket (not a 5-gallon). It fits neatly and discretely on the floor between the back seats.

If I have access to a public bathroom, I use that. If I'm way out in the back country with no one around, I set up an outside bathroom. If there's no public restroom and I need privacy, I can use the facilities inside my Prius.

Note: if you are squeamish about bathroom functions, please skip the rest of this post.

Pee and poo are kept separate. Pee is stored in a gallon laundry detergent bottle and then disposed of properly. For poo, the 2-gallon bucket is lined with a Double Doodie Bag which is made for human waste. These are fairly expensive and I use them as a back up in case of dribbles. So, in addition, I also line it with a recycled plastic shopping bag. The poo, which is wrapped up in the shopping bag, is place in an air-tight stainless steel canister until it can be disposed of properly. I found that metal is the only unbreakable material that will contain the smell.

Some use ammo boxes, but again, I need something more compact to fit in my vehicle.

To actually use the bucket, it is placed on a back seat with a Luggable Loo toilet seat on top of it. Although the toilet seat is not an exact fit for the smaller bucket, it works just fine. I can easily and comfortably sit on it because I'm short (and short waisted).

It's one of the few times in my life that being short has been beneficial. :)

Also, I use curtains and window covers all around for privacy.
Suanne said:
I'm in a Prius where space is at a premium.  So, no cat litter, peat moss, pine shavings, or ice chest for me.  In fact, I use a 2 gallon bucket (not a 5-gallon).  It fits neatly and discretely on the floor between the back seats.

If I have access to a public bathroom, I use that.  If I'm way out in the back country with no one around, I set up an outside bathroom.  If there's no public restroom and I need privacy, I can use the facilities inside my Prius.

Note: if you are squeamish about bathroom functions, please skip the rest of this post.

Pee and poo are kept separate.  Pee is stored in a gallon laundry detergent bottle and then disposed of properly.  For poo, the 2-gallon bucket is lined with a Double Doodie Bag which is made for human waste.  These are fairly expensive and I use them as a back up in case of dribbles.  So, in addition, I also line it with a recycled plastic shopping bag.  The poo, which is wrapped up in the shopping bag, is placed in an air-tight stainless steel canister until it can be disposed of properly.  I found that metal is the only unbreakable material that will contain the smell.

Some use ammo boxes, but again, I need something more compact to fit in my vehicle.

To actually use the bucket, it is placed on a back seat with a Luggable Loo toilet seat on top of it.  Although the toilet seat is not an exact fit for the smaller bucket, it works just fine.  I can easily and comfortably sit on it because I'm short (and short waisted).  

It's one of the few times in my life that being short has been beneficial.  :)

Also, I use curtains and window covers all around for privacy.

Just what I needed to know. Thanks very much for the great information. Is the stainless steel canister one of the food type canisters made for use in kitchens? I'm guessing if not it may be difficult to find one, but haven't begun shopping yet so may be surprised. Ikea, here I come!