Better Toilets

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Mar 26, 2017
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After reading the article about toilet options at Vandwellers web site. I have designed a toilet that deals with the pooh, with a better method than
any method described in the article. The toilet is made from an icechest, with 4 inch vents, 3 separate drying screens. The pooh hits the first drying screen.
Then within 6 hours it can be moved, with a spatula, to the second drying screen, and you are ready for the next days pooh. In 2 days the first pooh can be
moved to the third drying screen. By day 5 one can pick up pooh 1 with your hands, burn it, put it with normal household trash, etc.
The secret is peatmoss, there is 2 inches of peatmoss where the pooh hits, and you cover the pooh with peatmoss imediatly.The peat soaks in and coats the pooh
like breading a chicken fried steak. I have been using this toilet for over 5 months, and have yet to get any pooh on the spatula.
For more info contact: [email protected]  subject line toilet.
Interesting. I admit that the word, "spatula" has me a little turned off because I associate it so much with cooking. However, this sounds interesting as a method. Peat moss is often used in composting toilets.
Never bought peatmoss.  Is it easy to find and about how much/week would it cost?
Peat moss is relatively expensive compared to sawdust. Most rigs don't have room to store the big compressed bag, which is cheaper, and when you buy it in smaller bags, it runs about $2/lb. Places like Home Depot and garden departments of big box stores usually carry it. After the price, the next biggest problem is the dust. Peat moss is usually very fine and light, and it gets over EVERYTHING, your bed, the dishes, etc. Nearly every town has some kind of place that either produces or sells sawdust -- landscaping businesses and wood shops come to mind.
mnpaul said:
Never bought peatmoss.  Is it easy to find and about how much/week would it cost?

Not sure on price; but have seen it at Home Depot, Lowe's, and Menard's so it should be fairly easy to find while on the road ...
Interesting concept and probably the most environmentally friendly. Most people want to take care of business and move on to the next task. Having to revisit and maintain old bowel movements isn't for me. Not sure you'd find many 2nd dates with this system.
But, you have to admit this thread has provided some good giggles!

Like most....I'm not willing to get that intimate with yesterday's business...much less develop a relationship with it.
Well if nothing else, it's people like this willing to think outside the box, (literally in this case) that eventually comes up with a new idea or way of doing things after repeated attempts and tweaks. Who knows, the next best RV toilet that revamps the industry might be in it's beginning stages.
Cool concept and you may be on to something there but I am also not willing to be handling and moving around the poo every day.
Frankly I sometimes think we over think things here but I still liked the older motorhomes that made a slurry of waste and injected it in the exhaust manifold where it was burned by the engine exhaust as you drove down the highway, talk about running rich!
This is an interesting concept as I have read that one can mix feces and peat moss in a bucket and when full,put the lid on it and leave it in the sun for a year,rotating it now and then and it will have decomposed and can be used as compost. Haven't tried it. Maybe the OP can design this with some sort of outside lever where the user isn't flipping human pies?
Is that a rubber, or metal spatula.
I think the less touching and handling the better
It is basically a composting toilet with a huge DIY componant. Peat moss is light and airy and gets into everyplace. Coconut husk work better. We have one in a remote cabin, used for hunting, drinking, escaping murderous x wives. Because, it is frequented by men it gets cleaned about every two years or so, no smell ever. Waste can be used to grow strawberries. Lots of places have them for sale. Have no idea why the RV industry hasn't switched.

Cabellas has an electronic toilet version. Made in Japan for disaster relief. It plastic wraps your waste for easy disposal. No spatulas required..

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