Best Youtube Videos for Van Build?

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May 1, 2019
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I'm in the process of learning everything I can.  It will be at least a year before I can purchase my van.  In the meantime, I'm watching a lot of Youtube videos about converting a van.  What are some your favorite Youtube build videos?

I'm looking for the really technical ones, not just the fluffy van tour videos.  I want to learn how to build.  Which videos would you suggest?

Thanks in advance!

Welcome to the CRVL forums Mike! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.

I had to edit out the link you had under your name. See the above link to Tips, Tricks and Rules for more info.
Not all the best videos to help you build your van are van build videos at all.

For example when I wanted to make drawers for the pantry in my van I googled 'building draw without router', studied a couple of them and chose my method.

And keep in mind that a lot of us never did videos of our build - heck I was lucky to take pics... :rolleyes: 

The number one rule I think of building out an interior - build square, not level.... :D That goes along with the oldest rule of carpentry - measure at least twice, cut once.

As with anything else, ask here, one step at a time, take all the answers, consider the responders experience and outcome and choose your answer because there's no one way to 'skin a cat' (or build a van).
Welcome Mike! 
Enjoy the van build journey. For me, the design evolved. What I wanted in the beginning was not what I chose after doing the research and reading about others experience. And I watched tons of videos.
Builds vary by brand of the van.  There is a great thread on here for promasters with a lot of technical detail (thanks to fraeter). If you decide on a promaster van, they are one of the least expensive to get used fleet vehicles, and have a square body style, front wheel drive. I have a promaster 1500, never made a video of the build.  If I had it to do over again, I would use airplane scrap for weight, style and functionality. Airplanes have an entire kitchen squeezed into a few feet. I feel that the products I used in my build look good and improved the quietness of the van, but increased the weight too much. I miss the nice handling I had when the van wasn't so heavy.    ~crofter
mikewelchdotcom said:
I'm in the process of learning everything I can.  It will be at least a year before I can purchase my van.  In the meantime, I'm watching a lot of Youtube videos about converting a van.  What are some your favorite Youtube build videos?

One thing that continues to amaze me is the individuality that each van conversion represents. Like others, I have watched tons of videos, and I can almost always see the unique perspective that each build brings. I don't think there is a "bad" van build, because the decisions represent conscious choices, restrictions, and capabilities of the owner. I respect all of them and take the ideas that I think would be good for my build and try to implement them.  It's fascinating to see the breadth and variety of van "statements". My "canvas" is a small Promaster City, so I'm watching, mostly, small van conversions.

For example, decisions like the following are readily apparent in the builds:

- availability of space - size of box, height of van
- stand or sit
- whether you will be inside a lot or outside a lot - want to stealth camp?  Not that anyone would do it, but is it physically possible to spend all day in the van, from bathroom to cooking to working to playing to sleeping.  If not, weather will determine, in large part where you go.
- how tolerant you are to heat and cold
- how much weight you're willing to add - my personal preference is for aluminum cabinets, etc, and no paneling anywhere
- how much money and expertise the owner has for the project
- how much time the owner has for the build - people who build while living in the van have different priorities

So the point is, finding a video series that represents your unique situation is probably not going to happen.  You just watch a ton of them and take what you think works.  One pet peeve of mine is that not too many of them show the work in progress, but I also know that it's really hard to stop and film in the middle of a project, so i understand. Also, no one shows you the mistakes.  They just show the great end result.  I call my last video a "comedy of errors" since I decided to show my first attempt at using silicone/corn starch to fabricate a custom screen/cap for ventilation holes I cut in the van floor.

You're not likely to find videos that show really nitty gritty details.  That's why this and other forums are so great.  There are lots of helpful folks willing to help you, but many do not have the bandwidth to relate to any videos you might mention.

Good luck,

Casey Roman has a timeline of vids on building out a van from a few months ago. She was a novice but a real character, funny and sarcastic. Now she is happily on the road.