Best Stealthing Pet

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Gaunt Dusk

Active member
Nov 12, 2013
Reaction score
Obviously the best stealthing pet is one of those robo pets with an off switch.
But seriously, I've been thinking about what the best pet to get would be when stealth vandwelling. I've been thinking possible good stealth pets are chinchillas, rabbits, ferrets and other quiet pets that likely won't poke their head out the window and yip at passerbys, causing them to freak out that there's an animal in a van.
Obviously when you can consistently maintain the temp of a van, then it would be safe to get a pet, but dogs and cats make noise.

But what is your opinion on the best stealth vandwelling pet? After all, pets mean free anytime snuggles.
I've thought about this in the past. Best thing I could do for myself is to stop thinking about this.
DragonFly has a mermaid, although I'm not sure she's on the road.
Get a teddy bear..... No noise, no worry about temperature control, no potty or feeding problems, they are good listeners, no need for a sitter when you go somewhere they can't, and they also give free anytime snuggles.
Mermaid is wintering at a warm overflow from an electrical power plant. Gypsy Mortisha Cassavetes sent this latest picture of us at a tea party. I'm of course the one with the nutty squirrel. Gypsy has the deer on her head.


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This photo was taken in Spain, where we wanted to visit a museum, but dogs were not allowed.
We just put her in a shopping bag:idea:, and nobody has seen her...
There's stealth for you...:D
Bindi was with us well before we went fulltime RVing, so there's no way we weren't going to bring her along. (she's a small dog). Otherwise, we would not travel with a pet at all. We like sight seeing and that often takes us into places Bindi can't go. We sorta rush thru museums and such so we don't leave her alone for long hours. She likes to snooze a lot, but still not fair to leave her all alone.

In my opinion, especially the new van/RVer, should not add a pet to the equation till they gain a little "time in rate", so to speak. Get used your new life and then decide if you want the responsibility. You may find you are gone from your rig too often doing things you enjoy, or working and caring for a pet properly might be inconvenient for you.

On the other hand, you may find that a pet would be a good partner if you spend a lot of time camping alone in secluded places.

If you really "have to have" a pet, think it over carefully and adopt a new friend that suits your lifestyle.

And finally, be sure you can feed and care for your new buddy better than you do for yourself. This is the "give" part of any successful relationship, be it human or animal.

Plus, you must pick up their poop and be mindful of leash laws.
Get an opossum. They mostly come out at night. They play dead if they are seen. They can sleep hanging from your front blackout curtain rod which frees up floor space. You dont have to worry about somebody breaking in and stealing your opposum as they are abundant and free if you can catch one.
[/php]sure hope I get this right.
nope.....:mad:how do I add photos?
Picture is worth a hundred words.
papa said:
[/php]sure hope I get this right.
nope.....:mad:how do I add photos?
Picture is worth a hundred words.

One way is to hit reply,
scroll down to "New Attachment"
Choose file from picture on you pc
add attachment.
Post reply

If people click your picture it will enlarge for them. Now, where's you pet picture?
If anyone still wants this info ferrets are PERFECT stealth pets. Make sure you do all you can to research the smell. Good news? They only use the bathroom in corners :)

Im Trying to post my Sevice dog Nikki


so much for that idea

10338313_10202206777312191_8629755414925932906_n.jpg My Nikki Dog!!!!10338313_10202206777312191_8629755414925932906_n.jpg


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