best portable toilet?

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Well-known member
Mar 29, 2015
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Wondering what most people use for a toilet in Van? I use a 5 gallon bucket for pee but I'm wondering if there is method to keeping smell down? Or if there is a better toilet out there on a lower end budget?? Thanks!
livesimply5 said:
Wondering what most people use for a toilet in Van? I use a 5 gallon bucket for pee  but I'm wondering if there is method to keeping smell down? Or if there is a better toilet out there on a lower end budget?? Thanks!

Any toilet that allows the liquid and the solids to combine is going to smell - whether it's the smell of the chemicals that you use or the smell of the combination of urine and feces!

I know it's not at the low end of the budget but a separating toilet is the only unit that will eliminate both the smells at the same time.

I highly recommend the C-Head:

It's economical to use once you're bought the initial unit. It takes no chemicals, uses a 1 gallon jug for liquid collection and as a single user I buy the small packages of pine animal bedding in W/M for a couple of bucks every six to eight weeks. The cost for the bedding and a couple of garbage bags every few weeks is the only cost involved. I buy new one gallon jugs of water, use the water and then repurpose the jug every few months.

I never pay dump fees nor do I have to buy expensive chemicals.

You can try separating liquid and solids yourself by peeing in a jug (use a funnel if needed) and using the 5 gallon bucket for solids only with pine shavings in it.

The only smell I ever have is for a couple of minutes when I have to empty the solids container. I have a digestive issue that makes it a little more messy than most users face. With a porta pottie I used to have to deal with smells of one kind or another all the time and especially when having to empty the holding tank.
livesimply5 said:
Wondering what most people use for a toilet in Van? I use a 5 gallon bucket for pee  but I'm wondering if there is method to keeping smell down? Or if there is a better toilet out there on a lower end budget?? Thanks!

I have the "solids" covered. Just looking for a solution with the pee smell for a toilet. We don't combine liquid and solid in the toilet. Thanks!
What high desert ranger said. I pee in a lidded cottage cheese container, doesn't matter what, a plastic coffee can works great, empty it. Can store more in a laundry bottle til you dump it. Some things can be easier than it seems.

Being female, its not always easy to be precise so I understand the problem.
Almost There said:
Any toilet that allows the liquid and the solids to combine is going to smell - whether it's the smell of the chemicals that you use or the smell of the combination of urine and feces!

Not necessarily.  My camp-crapper sits right next to my bed in a tiny little Transit Connect.  If it emitted any stink, I'd notice it pretty quick.  
I don't smell the poop, pee, or the "Pot Shots" I drop in the top tank.  

Of course when I go to empty it, well that's another story completely, and that's a smell that'll curl your hair and peel paint.  :p
Definitely not my favorite task. 

I have the Camco 5.3 gallon, Model 41541.
Pee into a gallon jug. Females use a funnel. Every day or so put some soil or sand in the jug with water and swish it around. Scours it out and gets rid of the pee smell. The smell is ammonia being produced by specialized bacteria which eat the urea we produce. Break up the biofilm and rinse away the bacteria. Done. Try it and be amazed. I have been using the same jug for a year.
I put a shot-glass sized squirt of fabric softener into my pee jug. It never smells. Rinse it out when full, add more fabric softener; ready to go. I do like the comment about the sand. I'll give that a try!

My pee jug is a bright orange Tide detergent bottle with a handle. Cut out the pouring spout and there is a nice big opening, and a screw cap which seals nicely.
livesimply5 said:
Wondering what most people use for a toilet in Van? I use a 5 gallon bucket for pee  but I'm wondering if there is method to keeping smell down? Or if there is a better toilet out there on a lower end budget?? Thanks!

2 qt laundry detergent jug for pee, plastic bag in 5 gallon bucket for poop.  As mentioned above, tablespoon of fabric softener or dish soap in jug reduces the smell to undetectable (I don't have the best smeller).  Solids are tied up in the bag after 1 use and stored in the bucket until disposed of.  Bucket has gamma seal lid that keeps the smell in.  I used to use sawdust in the bags but have found it unnecessary.  I have a 'glow in the dark' button on the cover of the pee jug to help finding it in the dark.  I try to empty both daily.

For you ladies out there; I used to climb with women who used a plastic funnel type device designed to let girls stand up and 'pee like a man'.

 -- Spiff
Regarding the plastic bag in a 5 gallon bucket. Do you use the free Walmart/grocery bags? Most of the ones I get have holes in them. Doesn't that make a mess? Also, do you just squat over the bucket, or can you still attach a luggable loo type seat onto the bucket and still affix the gamma seal add-on?
Yes only good Walmart bags with a good trash bag as outside bag in case my good bag wasn't so good.

I use a ring of pipe foam on my 2 gal pail. Foam has a slit down the center. I use duct tape to connect the two ends. Smaller pail for my Prius.

I can't remember where I read this, but it sounded like a good idea that I want to try. Keep enough mineral oil in your pee container to cover the surface with a thin layer of it - the mineral oil will float to the top and seal the urine beneath, no smell escapes. Apparently this is what they use in the traps of commercial no-flush urinals.

It' might not be ideal for a pee container, as you'd lose your oil when dumping, unless you were careful and took your time. If you can have a separate trap in the "collection point" from the storage container, it probably works better.
decent 13 gallon trash bags are not that big of an investment. they fit a standard 5 gallon bucket better than grocery bags.
I bought a DryFlush but haven't used it yet. It advertises as a solution to every problem you guys raise- zero odor, easy disposal, etc. You push a button and a vacuum device twists and sucks a plastic bag around the waste. It was around $500
I'm a firm believer in the 'keeping it simple' mantra.
Electric spinning of what looks like a jiffy pop pan just don't float my boat.
Home Depot $595 plus $55 for a 3-pak of refills (17 'flushes' each).

I'm going with a slight variation of the 'bucket'.
Gamma Vittles Vault (pet food storage bucket).
12" x 12" x 13.25" Tall.
Cost $20. Gamma lid built in. Square base should be a bit more stable for my fat butt. :rolleyes:



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