Best bath proodect you'll ever have!

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What is the most preferred way van dwellers take a bath every day? I have heard some use lemon juice?
Lemon juice???? I would imagine that to be really sticky...

I think most use wet ones.

I have an RV so have a shower but we put up an on demand hot water shower in our camp for the people in vans or the ones that just don’t want to use their own shower. We have a 55 gallon drum we keep full for it.
vanliving101 said:
What is the most preferred way van dwellers take a bath every day? I have heard some use lemon juice?

I don’t know what most people do but I can tell you what I do, if I have easy access to water I fill a pail or two, I use those little square cat litter pails, mine are black, I sit them in the sun, if the sun doesn’t warm it enough I heat a kettle and pour it into it to make it hotter,  then use a small pot and pour it over myself soap up and rinse, in a bathing suit or naked depending where I am. When i don;t have access to a lot of water or it is too cold outside, I heat some water, use a bowl and  a facecloth. When I first started doing this thing I rigged up a shower, but when that piece of cheap junk broke I went to the my current system and won’t go back. I think people over think washing up. A facecloth and bowl of water works fine  when i get to do it with a couple of buckets that is luxury.
I carry a 2 1/2 gallon solar shower, that warms nicely in the sun and can be hung from an outside mirror or a tree for washing my hair.

My hair is thick, and my head sweats profusely with heat or exertion. The dried sweat smell on my scalp drives me wild, so this is important water allocation for me. 

About $30 online, it works very well, and conserves my fresh water supply as well as space in my holding tanks.

I usually fill this from whatever outside spigot is available, also clear mountain rivers on occasion.
Can't believe people don't have $5 to find a almost no water product that works so well.
There are plenty of reasons why people would not use that product, the most obvious to me is that it is environmentally unfriendly, the second most obvious is that it has a lot of chemicals that some people would find rubbing them on their bodies, objectionable. I get that it is cheap and convenient but so is fast food and we all know what that stuff is doing to the health of the planet and the people that eat it.
There are threads about this specifically, so don't hesitate to search. It will be worth your while.

I use several solutions depending on the season and my access to water.
flying kurbmaster said:
There are plenty of reasons why people would not use that product, the most obvious to me is that it is environmentally unfriendly, the second most obvious is that it has a lot of chemicals that some people would find rubbing them on their bodies, objectionable. I get that it is cheap and convenient but so is fast food and we all know what that stuff is doing to the health of the planet and the people that eat it.
Please educate me on the plenty of reasons of what they are doing to me & the planet?
Dingfelder said:
There are threads about this specifically, so don't hesitate to search.  It will be worth your while.

I use several solutions depending on the season and my access to water.
I have searched & found nothing good or bad so please share the threads you have read as I can't find them. Thanks!
Doesn’t it cost a lot more to buy all these products to avoid using water than it would be to just buy water?