Best bath proodect you'll ever have!

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Sep 2, 2018
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I found these & tried them when the co-op screwed up & we fan out at -17f & -40f wind chill & out water line froze & broke. I had bought a 100 pk for the road but was amazed at how well they work. You put a tiny bit of water on this large bathcloth & squeeze it in your hand & it just is covered in suds. I could have bathed twice & as it says & I didn't believe because of all the suds no rinsing was needed. One of the best products you can use & barely any water needed. I felt as refreshed as a full shower except for washing my hair & rinsed out & dried you can use them as a cleaning cloth so 2 uses. They claim a 10 year shelf life. I bought them from a police supply store & I'm told the military folks in the field love them. Here's the link. They'll ship 10 for $5, please report if you like them. Thanks!
How do you know until you try these. If you don't agree I send you $5 & I have no interest except getting the word out. I'm old & not easilly impressed anymore but these did.
I get thousands of uses out of a standard washcloth instead of two from a disposable sheet. I get more washes from a $29 gallon than from a $35 (sale price) 100 pack. And I don't need to add water.
The nice thing about the disposables is that they don’t need to be rinsed, just throw them away.

Saves water, otherwise a bit wasteful, but you can’t always have everything.

I haven’t used this product, but I like the giant wet ones meant for bathing bed ridden patients. Soap yourself, rinse yourself but throw the wet one away.
I didn't know either of these products existed. This is a pretty good thread\products for people who don't see the point in showering every month.
I don't see a list of ingredients anywhere on the website. Nor do I see where it's made.

OP? Does it say on the packaging?
This is a very difficult forum in which to try to talk about things you have found that work for you. It seems that all responses immediately turn to what that responder does and how they do it and why it is better. Of course it does not make one bit of difference to them if they have never tried or heard of what it is you are posting about. I don't know why the social culture in this forum is like that but it is.

I can see why you are impressed with them, if they are a product that works for police agents in the field that is pretty good testimony. At the moment while working on my build I am in a place with a nice hot shower. But I will add it to my list of links.
It is not any different then any other forum or life in general, you post something or say something, why would you not expect all kinds of ideas or thoughts on the topic. A thread is just a conversation, that is how it stays alive otherwise it would just die a lonesome death very soon.  Some people thanked him, some thought it was wasteful, some people offered other similar products that are available, some wanted to know more details, I don’t think there is anything strange or out of the ordinary about any of the posts.
I've been on many forums to learn what others know & share what I know about many subjects & always participiated but I must say I've never been on a forum like this where most new things I've posted are met with arguements, rudeness from just plain mean or unhappy people even the mods. One didn't believe me about diels heater, one forum asked what we'd defend ourselves with & many of us said & those were deleted & we were warned twice. I always do my research before I post but look at my posts on sale on Excide batteries, diesel heaters, Soap Clothes, etc. I dont want a constant fight so I'll keep my finds, ideas I know about things to myself or go to nicer forum. I thought the Free RV life made people happy, guess not or not these unhappy folks. I was warned this was not a positive forum & ran heavy handed but I enjoyed Bobs videos so much I didn't believe it. Can I please change my member name to MeNoSpeak many on here & I would be much more happy that way.
Gr8ful said:
...... One didn't believe me about diels heater,.....
I have not seen that posting but it certainly set off enough of a chemical reaction in my brain to generate curiosity to look at some articles to see what it was all about. I will look and see if I can find where you posted it. 
When people post about new products it is not unusual for me to take a look see to learn more about it. I like learning new stuff! It does not mean I am going to buy it or ever have a need for it but someday it might be exactly what I need for a task. Or it might inspire me with solutions for what I want to achieve.
Gr8ful, I'm pretty sure if you contact a Mod they will probably accommodate you. I like your username now though, being reminded(for me) to be Gr8ful is a positive message. :cool:

I try to stay as positive as I can with people. I'm not always successful and I fail almost everyday. Sometimes in little things, other times it not so little things. Cut others some slack or if that's not possible, just ignore them(there is a block feature). Lots of good, decent people here. There's two kinds of roads in this world, the high one and the low one.

Best of luck with everything, and I'm glad you posted this. I didn't even know there were products out there like this. So, thanks for posting about it!
The mod was again't the diesel heater also. Look up the Exide golf cart battery thread, went on for pages with armchair experts until I had to call Exide to ask why their gold cart 5v battery didn't have a sticker saying Deep Cycle. She basiclly told me any dummy sould know that golf cart batteries are deep cycle so I published the phone # & e-mail so they could ask & that ended it. Maybe cabin fever but seem like more trolls here the any forum I've been on & the mods let them have free rein. Its no big deal there are lots of forums, some way the opposite. I'll be just fine & quiet. Thanks!
If this forum is just so darn horrible and all the insults you have said about it and posters, well.....
Fine and quiet works well for me at this point for you.
first off when someone posts a product others are free to give their opinion on that product just as long as they don't do personal attacks.

what works for one person might not work for someone else.

just because someone doesn't like your product doesn't mean they are out to get you or think you are an idiot.

this is an open forum with many different people with different backgrounds, you are going to get different opinions for different products. this is normal when you have free exchange of ideas. everyone is not going to agree with you, and frankly I don't want to be a part of a forum of sheep.

so on these other forums when you bring up a new product everyone just says how great that new product is? no one questions said product? that doesn't sound like an exchange of ideas it sounds like a cult.

maki2 said:
 It seems that all responses immediately turn to what that responder does and how they do it and why it is better. 
Vandwellers and RVers in general are a fiercely individualistic and independent breed of people. 
We'd all get along lots better if we just recognized the simple inescapable truth that I am always right, about everything. I *thought* I was wrong once, but I was mistaken about that.
Also available on Amazon with free shipping. I ordered a 10 pack to try out. Thanks.