Belated introduction...

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Well-known member
Oct 13, 2015
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Key West
So I've lurked here for a couple months, then started making posts, so I suppose I should say hello here! My name is Brad, 47, and have lived in Florida Keys (Key West mostly) for about 15 years.

I guess I didn't post here initially because it seems appropriate to say what my plans are, and I'm the kind of person who really dislikes saying I'm going to do something unless I'm sure that's what is going to happen. So at this point, I feel comfortable in saying that I am definately going to do Something, Somewhere, at Some point in the nearish future. There. I feel comfortable with my wiggle room   :D

In the past, I've owned a business, a home and lots of stuff. In the present, I rent an apartment, am a foreman for a contractor, and don't have nearly as much stuff. I've lived out of my van before, and once out of a tent for 4.5 months. I live in an area that sees a yearly deluge of people from everywhere escaping the cold, many of them full time RV'ers. We also have a fair number of vehicle dwellers, as well as homeless.

I guess my thought is that I'm moving towards van-dwelling with my eyes open, and feel pretty enthusiastic about it. I've come a long way rebuilding my credit and I've held a good job for 5+ years that pays a good part of my decision is also a financial one that will hopefully allow me to move towrds a "retirement plan" that is both achievable and desirable. My initial aim falls in between a basic camper van and a high-end build out. I would rather wait a bit and get what I really think would be cool. I figure I will mostly finance the vehicle (at this point a Sprinter or Transit) to the tune of 20-25k, and spend around 10k in the build. Not certain about those numbers yet, but seems a fair ballpark for something that I could actually build equity in.

I've learned that as long as I am comfortable, I don't require lots of stuff. I feel that the convenience of black/grey water tanks, good solar, refrigeration, on-demand AC and a nice bed, these will allow me to live happily while I continue my job and pay off the vehicle. And save money on top of that. And I need to learn to a confirmed bachelor,  my culinary skills seem limited to Raman w/egg/hot sauce, PBJ sandwiches, and hamburger helper. This is actually something I've begun working on  :)

Thanks to all you internet people that demonstrate the How-To of everything related to a mobile lifestyle. I continue to be amazed at how much "stuff" is out glad I can read about it instead of trying to re-invent the wheel!

Does anyone here make it down my way? IF so, I can point out some good parking spots!  ;)
and a belated welcome to you Brad. you got a plan I say go for it. I would try to pay cash for your vehicle, 0 debt. cooking is easy, having it taste good is the hard part. start with easy stuff like bbqing. rice and pastas are not hard, you will get it. highdesertranger
highdesertranger said:
.  cooking is easy,  having it taste good is the hard part.  highdesertranger

lol...that's so funny! Because I am, at this moment, about to toss out the rice/chicken dish I made due to it sucks. And this will be the third time I've stood there washing stuff down the disposal, thinking "well, didn't exactly save money not eating out this time, did ya?"  :D
We have a food section here so if you want to try anything out, let us know and there's at least a couple of competent cooks around here who would be willing to mentor you through some basics.

Just don't wait until it's on the stove to ask for help! Start early.... :D

The other thing you might look at is a community college and see if there's any night courses on cooking for one - you're not alone in wanting to learn to cook as an adult.
BradKW said:
So at this point, I feel comfortable in saying that I am definately going to do Something, Somewhere, at Some point in the nearish future. There. I feel comfortable with my wiggle room   :D
A man's got to know his limitations!!  :p
We're glad you're here Brad and I'm looking forward to taking this ride with you!
If you show up at the RTR I will show you how to do eggs Bena dickt (on a budget)
Brad! Welcome to the CRVL forums!

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.

I expect to be in the Keys in the spring. I'd love some help finding parking.
"So at this point, I feel comfortable in saying that I am definately going to do Something, Somewhere, at Some point in the nearish future. There. I feel comfortable with my wiggle room Big Grin"
Whoa there man- such a rigid plan and timeline.. careful. ;)

As far as cooking- I've got a few recipes that are the 'throw it in a pot and come back in a bit' type. :) I'll share.
Hey Brad
Welcome to posting on CRVL.

You're among a great group of folks that will give you more help than you can imagine !

Your plan sounds do-able , especially with a construction foreman's income.
Paying cash and staying away from debt is desirable , but if using credit will allow you to save rent by staying in the rig and doing the build you can be paying it off sooner while getting ready to pull the plug......with some fancy juggling ,,,,it's possible.

I wasn't aware there were any places that someone could just park in Key West.
Please do enlighten us to some of them !
Key West is generally a pretty tolerant place with regards to other people's lifestyles, especially if nobody is inconvenienced. We have many homeless people here, a percentage of which are vehicle dwellers. A much higher percentage of our homeless have mental health and/or substance abuse issues. My point is, both the public and police thresholds for what is "a problem" is much higher than in other areas. Example: "Oh look, another broken down van with plywood raised roof and AC and bikes hanging off the back...if its still there in a few days, we should call somebody." When plastering your van with a mix of anti-establishment credos and Bible verses passes for stealth camping, its not too hard to slip beneath the radar.

All of our beaches always have open and free parking that is available until 11pm. After 11, there's plenty of places to park quietly for the night. Once the working people are in for the night, they have their parking spots and its not like you'd inconvenience anyone. If anyone's actually coming, I'd be happy to be more specific, or give a quick tour of the island...its only 2x4 miles, so any tour is kinda quick ;)
Yes, there are plenty of us here who can get you started cooking tasty and healthy food right away.

Welcome and glad to see you here !  :D
Welcome, Brad!

I've spent a lot of time in KW and had plans to move there for a while, about six years ago, then my mom got sick and plans changed. By the time she was gone I could no longer afford to move there, so I'm up in New Smyrna.

Since I'm a super early riser I've spent a lot of mornings by the White Street Pier and nearby parking lots, started grabbing a few extra donuts and coffees and sharing with the homeless folks there, they seemed to appreciate the gesture. Mostly nice folks.
Queen said:
Welcome, Brad!

I've spent a lot of time in KW and had plans to move there for a while, about six years ago, then my mom got sick and plans changed. By the time she was gone I could no longer afford to move there, so I'm up in New Smyrna.

Since I'm a super early riser I've spent a lot of mornings by the White Street Pier and nearby parking lots, started grabbing a few extra donuts and coffees and sharing with the homeless folks there, they seemed to appreciate the gesture. Mostly nice folks.

Hey Queen! End of White St. is a great place to spend time parked...some vandwelling friends used to make that little parking lot by bocce courts their primary spot until evenings. And if you spend time there and down further at Higgs, you're sure to meet some interesting people if you wish too. The county has recently made efforts to keep the homeless from camping all day at the picnic pavilions and the facilities have improved as a result.

I don't know this for a fact, but I've heard a few times that Key West enacted an anti-RV ordinance a while back, but that it only applies to vehicles over 21' long. It came up recently when I asked a friend about once of those RV rentals (RV America?) that I'd seen parked by his house, right on Truman Ave at Bayview park. Its as obvious a location as can get, just 1/4 mile down from police station...

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