Before Taking Kitty On The Road # 1st Step The Beginning

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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2015
Reaction score
New Mexico
Starting with a few things you should do before taking your kitty on the road. Be sure shots are up to date and your furbaby is also chipped and fixed.Have copys of all vet records made. Get a bright colored harness and a leash at least 4 ft in length Put the harness on kitty and leave it on .It should be snug but not tight.I suggest a harness as it is less likely to be "slipped out of" rather than a collar.Once kitty is tolerating it ( how long it will take will depend on your pet) begin to clip the leash on for short periods and just let kitty get used to the feel of it.Cats are not much for walking on a leash but it can be done (mine have let me know it wont be happening in ANY of their 9 lives!) you may have a kitty that will. Start taking your kitty on short van rides and pay attention to how they react.Have a covered litter box in place.A carrier would be good also in case your kitty needs a safe place to go hide.A few treats and favorite toys can help comfort kitty while you are riding around.Don't forget a treat for yourself too.I cant say how long it will take your furbaby to become used to all this or if you have a cat that simply isn't travel minded.The hardest thing in this early trial is to be brutally honest with yourself in evaluating your kittys reactions.I'll discuss more in my next post....Cheers!   :shy:
Wow, what a great idea for posts!!! Thank you so much, I can't wait to see how this works out for you!!
I thought of something. When acclimating your kitty to a harness or if should they be suddenly startled by something, it's helpful to be aware that they can slip out of harnesses most easily by backing up! They put pressure on that harness backwards (with you conveniently holding it for them, lol) and can back right out of it. If you can stay behind kitty, it is less easy for him/her to slip the harness. We tried a "kitty holster" harness for Magnum Houdini not too long ago. This is a wrap-around velcro style. She was out of it in 15 seconds and that's how she did it. I think she set a land-speed record. (It's been awhile since she's worn a harness, and never one of that style - so it will take some getting used to again for her).

I second the covered box, clean it daily and you should have no box odor problems. I was told that by riders in my truck that if they hadn't actually seen Magnum in there, they wouldn't have known I had a kitty.