I've been looking at solar panels, batteries, charge controllers, etc, etc, etc and all I've gotten is confused, so let's start simple.
Battery amp hours:
I've been looking at some small AGM batteries which have the following specs:
Now I've seen solar panel kits that 'specify' a 100ah battery. Is that cca? I'm not sure I've seen any batteries with the cca that low. So assuming it's not the cca, then is it the other number(s). 35 amps for 10 hours is 350 ah, so would this battery be too large for the solar panel kit which specified at 100ah?
But I've also looked at Renogy's installation manual and they have nothing about sizing the battery to the solar panels, it's as though any battery and any panel is ok (though I'm sure there really is a limit).
Battery amp hours:
I've been looking at some small AGM batteries which have the following specs:
- 420 cca
- 10hr - 35(A)
Now I've seen solar panel kits that 'specify' a 100ah battery. Is that cca? I'm not sure I've seen any batteries with the cca that low. So assuming it's not the cca, then is it the other number(s). 35 amps for 10 hours is 350 ah, so would this battery be too large for the solar panel kit which specified at 100ah?
But I've also looked at Renogy's installation manual and they have nothing about sizing the battery to the solar panels, it's as though any battery and any panel is ok (though I'm sure there really is a limit).