bath daily $5-8/month

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Well-known member
May 6, 2013
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I've seen a lot of people say they only take a limited amount of showers a week but I wanted to say there is a easy and cheap option to bath daily.

I was a 1 to 2 shower a day person when living in a normal house and knew I need more than to get clean every few days.

Added to this I get psoriasis on my scalp and need to wash my hair daily to keep it at bay.

My solution is using bottled water. I buy the 24 packs which if used very conservatively you can brush your teeth,sponge bath (or use a wash cloth) and wash your hair with a single bottle.

I've done it with a single bottle many times but I usually just use two bottles because it's easier.

A 24 pack of water bottles can usually be bought for about $3, meaning you can go a full month pretty easily on two packages.

Last but not least, it's easy enough to toss two bottles on the dash to let the sun heat them. You can also refill them if you really want to.

There yea go, that's my easy and cheap way of bathing daily and you can use the same method be it in a car, van, truck or walking.
Cool, the way that I get my hair looking clean is to use soft water that is in the bottled water.<br><br>James AKA Lynx
I never thought about putting a bottle of water on top of the dashboard to let the sun heat it up, that's certainly a simple but effective method!
Ha ha! Hot is not an issue for me right now! Palm Springs CA broke a record at 122 on June 30th.&nbsp;
Ive been taking them at the lake...they have those outdoor showers to rinse off sand or whatever.&nbsp;&nbsp; I just keep my trunks on and bath like that.&nbsp; It has a little concrete wall so no one can really see you lathering up anyway <img rel="lightbox" src="/images/boards/smilies/rofl.gif" class="bbc_img">&nbsp; probably not a good idea in winter though heh<br><br>But good idea...i brush my teeth this way when im not around a bathroom (my 'fishing' spot).
If you an find a free spring &amp; refill the bottles, the cost could be even cheaper&nbsp; ;D
&nbsp; Paint or wrap the bottles in black and it will work even better!&nbsp;<br><br>&nbsp; I use a similar system, but instead I use a 5 gallon military water jug which is made of heavy black plastic.&nbsp; If I'm stopped for a period of time I'll set it out in the sun, or just on the front seat.&nbsp;&nbsp; I have an insulated bag for it, but if you wrap it in a blanket the water will still be warm the next morning!
I second that idea! Ive used bottled water when out in the bush before. Works very well <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
good post! I use bottled water to do my teeth and face then use the spring water for bathing. Bottled water is great! Refill those bottles every chance!
Just wanted to say that Shaws has 3x24 packs of bottled water advertised for $10.
What a good idea about heating the bottles on the dash. I've lost count of how many times I've left a bottle of water in the car (here in Florida) and come back to find it super heated. I wonder if you had a few extra's left at the end of the day, that were still warm, and it was fall or winter, could you place them in your bed under the covers to pre-heat it before you went to sleep? kind of like the old fashioned &nbsp;bed warmers?