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Jan 12, 2015
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Just a few links about San Felipe that I found after our meeting this morning.

And one question from an FAQ I thought was helpful as to "crossing".

We are staying in Yuma and would like to visit San Felipe for a couple of days. Can I cross at San Luis or Algadones and get there without any bad roads or trouble ? - Yes. The roads are reasonably good but confusingly signposted if you take the Algodones route. Los Algadones is attractive mainly for its pharmacies and optical stores. If you cross at San Luis, You will get straight on Route 2 - the road to Mexicali. Then look for a sign "Libramiento a Mexicali- Tijuana" this is the new toll road that goes from San Luis to Tijuana and skirts Mexicali. It is well worth taking this route. It will cross the highway 5 to San Felipe just south of Mexicali and you will be able to avoid the traffic of the capital city.
This is the official Baja trip thread. Thanks Yolanda for starting it.

The plan - trip from casino in Yuma area to San Felipe and back. 7-14 days. When we get there we will consider options farther south. Leaving as soon as Thu 1/22 or as late as Mon 1/26 TBD.

There are many concerns which need research and clear and concise answers. Among these:

- vehicle insurance
- vehicle deposit at border
- place in Yuma to deposit items you don't want to take
- routing issues
- accommodations issues
- food that can't cross the border
- communications issues (cellphones, data plans, etc)
- costs (all kinds)

If you can contribute a link to needed information please post it here. (But let's not be too chatty)

In our 1/12 meeting we generally agreed that the main interest is developing familiarity with travel in Mexico and eating tacos. We may prefer inexpensive camping areas over free ones for the implied legal compliance and safety. We may want to go on and see more.

I would say: We are all adults and are responsible for our own circumstances. The group should be supportive and work from consensus, without requiring unanimity however. Let's have fun!
If you do Facebook, HitekHomeless aka are on the Baja now and posting from there
Just a couple answers to some of your questions
Mexican vehicle insurance is mandatory, if you get into a wreck even if the other person is at fault, and you don't have it, you will probably go to jail. Fortunately it's available at all border crossings and pretty cheap.
Do not take any kind of guns or ammo across the border. Mexico does not have the right to bear arms we enjoy. There are many military check points, there is no reason to fear them, but if they come across a gun or illegal drug you will go to jail. If they come across ammo they will tear your vehicle apart trying to find the gun.
Mexico has a guilty until proven innocent system, so it
is really not smart to be stupid and test the boundaries.
You will need an international cell phone plan if you want coverage. Some can be rather expensive so it may be better to just be incomunicado for a week or so, that's what I used to do, but it's been 10 years since I've been able to get down there, there may be alternative now.
You don't need to get the vehicle import papers if you stay in Baja CA Norte, only if you plan to head farther south.
I hope this helps, have a great trip. I wish I could go with you but I need to head back north next week.
Probably most folks don't understand this thread. I had tentatively planned a trip Baja To San Ignacio Bay for whale watching. Gray whales winter there and give birth to their calves. For some unknown reason they bring their calves right up to the small boat and you can pet them, pretty cool, right!

When I told them I couldn't go a group at the RTR decided to proceed anyway and put together their own trip; this is their method of communication.

CB and Yolanda are loosely heading it up.

Are you still looking for others to join you?
Hey Bob. It was probably a bad idea to try to use this thread as a way for the potential participants to communicate about the plans. We basically agreed on that and don't use it. Some don't have logins, some don't have service, non-participants can reply with help but that's different.

We have enough of a group to make the trip to San Felipe. More isn't necessarily better but we work from consensus and haven't closed the group either. If someone wants to go they should stop in on a meeting.
That is really cool that this sites members have formed a caravan trip into Mexico (or a meet up anywhere basically.) Everyone is so independent and moving in so many different directions that is an impressive thing.
It makes the most sense when going to Mexico. At least one of them will be a fluent spanish-speaker and their is safety in numbers.

I just wish I could be going!
Hey folks,did this trip ever happen?Me and Vic were in Baja for 2 weeks at the end of Jan and beginning of Feb.When we visited San Filipe,we stayed at Pete's Fish Camp.The language was no trouble Bob.We mastered it the first day.Una Mas Cervesa Por Favor.
Spring has sprung in New York City area.  Its above freezing every day now.  And the red-wing blackbirds came back a few days ago (2 weeks later than normal).
You jinxed us! NJ is getting freezing nights for the next week or so :(
It was fun to see the Baja trip come together at RTR. I would love to hear about the adventure. Yolanda, CB, others who went? or a link to a blog maybe? Thanks!

I am new here so please give me a break if I do or ask something wrong.
 What is the pet policy for Mexico? because if they won't allow my fur child back then I guess I stay in Mexico. :p Thank you
Ok...this is your one break  :D
Post #6 has links you can use for all the good info.
This copied from what you may take....

  • Up to two dogs or cats, maybe introduced as well as their accesories, provided that the corresponding zoosanitary import certificate issued by (SAGARPA) is presented to the customs officials.

Good luck and have a fun safe trip.
Thank you and point well taken.   :p I am very glad to be here. I am planning on being at Quartzsite hope to meet everyone there .