Baby it's cold outside

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Well-known member
Dec 20, 2014
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We hit our high in the teens already and are heading back down to 3 F tonight. The furnace here at the house isn't keeping up even running near continuously and this is a newer, well insulated home. My thin skinned trailer would be in a motel parking lot, there is no way it can handle this cold and keep up.
Ouch, and I'm thinking of moving over a couple overnights in the 30s. LOL, stay warm.
It's nice to know somebody's weather is colder than mine!

We do the 20's every spring on fall camping trip at altitude. I'm glad we have a furnace because between the fumes and the altitude, buddy heaters are a no no.

In comparison it's 48* in the Q with 60's and 70's next week. I'd take early retirement except I have a eye appointment in a few weeks. ;)
I expect that my minivan dwelling adventures (without heater, at least in the beginning) will expose me to some extreme temperatures, even as a snowbird -- but it's got me thinking about how it's also possible to get used to such things. I lived most of my life in Texas where 100-degree summers were just an annoyance, not a deal breaker. On the other hand, we would all run for our fireplaces when the mercury dropped below 40.  :)

Anybody have some amusing/inspiring acclimatization stories?
I grew up in Texas, and until I hit my upper 40s it took lower 40s to get me to put on a coat, while the 100s had me hiding in the AC
Untill I worked at Weyerhauser (box company) in the summer
all of a sudden, 78 was cold, 98, not so hot :D
Being a motorcyclist as well, I can tell you from experience that, above 95 or so, windchill works in reverse, and that nice breezy mesh jacket will overheat you faster than a leather one, at least at speed on the highway
Here in central KS, it was 11 degrees last night. We stayed cozy with the propane furnace backed up with an electric heater. I wasn't sure how this TT would do, it is 2310 Hi Lo (last year they produced). It was warmer in here then it would have been in the house we just sold. We put a lot of anti-freeze in the holding tanks and they have been OK. We are running 10 to 20 degrees colder than normal. We will leave as soon as possible for anywhere above freezing!
Snow Gypsy
Glad you kept cozy.
The polar air seems to be creeping almost everywhere.
Hope that you get a window of warmer air to make your escape in !
Had frost on my windows in Last Cruces, NM this morning. It is 47 right now. Hoping this is the worst I see all winter once I head for lower elevation.

I climbed in my van, and found that someone had vandalized my windshield with a glass etcher.  

Must have been that rotten Jack Frost.


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Mercury out my window is at 24 degrees. Feels a heck of a lot colder with the windchill. I'm in a 27' Forest River Travel Trailer. Have a small Electric heater that's been keeping the interior between 65 and 70 although it seems that it's at the max it can warm it and for every degree the outside drops, we lose a degree in the trailer. Have the trailer furnace and Mr Heater as back ups so i'm not too worried. House will be ready in another week or two as well, so that takes the edge off of things, however i'm tempted to do a Maine winter in the trailer to see how it goes. Having been in the trailer for a bit over 3 months, i'm really enjoying it, to the point I find myself not getting the house done as fast as I could so I can stay in the trailer : )
If I can do it so can you !
BUT , I would be contemplating moving my mattress and the heaters into one room and imagining I was still in the camper...............hey , wait a minute. You must be using the bathroom in the house,,,,so the water is on and the heat is too....................WT????????
Skuh kuh kuh kuh kuh ,,,,,,just kidding.
On another note . I found a housefly in the rig last night , where'd THAT come from????
It got to -11 that night, +1 last night, then hit 58* today. Another few decent days for me to finish up the systems and then it drops back into deep freeze and looks like it's staying that way for a bit. Won't matter as all that's left after this weekend is packing. 21 days and counting :)
Winter happens, just about this time every year.

Seems to take some by surprise. Never understood that.

Good conversation starter though.
Except if one were expecting someone like me to reply to the statements which proclaim the overwhelmingly obvious. ;)
Son, you surf. Winter doesn't actually happen there. :p
True, but I used to surf Year around in NJ sheathed in thick neoprene, in water temps as low as 29f air temps well below freezing, with 40 MPH offshore winds
My ear canals are fully occluded from it.

I've not used my full suit yet this winter here in the land of true weather wimps, but will soon, as water temp is now under 60f. If only it reduced the crowds to tolerable levels.

Define tolerable though.
Few to none.
The last time I looked ocean temp here in Maine (scratch that , we just transferred back to East Coast Alaska) ....53*

And , it was 34*inside the rig when I got there last night. So fly thermals indicated though there was no sign of it when my tablet neoprene shell nullified the little bugger!!