I have removed and replace the framing on my side wall from inside..I also removed the skin and redid the entire front overhang framing turned out pretty good and STRONG..unlike the original construction.<br> <br> Now I am faced with a decision on the roof. It is a metal roof, there are no rafters, but is supported by 1" foam sandwich between two thin wood panels and glued to the roof from inside. The outer side of the roof has decayed in several areas where pin holes can be seen along with a few small holes.<br> My dilemma is...this is a older TC 1991.(not sure how deep in $$ I want to go)<br> <br> Should I go with the rubber membrane "roof over'. should I consider metal, and if I do how would I 'break. the corner lap over, (I am thinking one piece sheathing).<br> The alternative could be to patch the areas with eternabond and lap the seals...then apply that liquid roof coating over the entire roof....right???? ideas welcomed