Are we running away?

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rm.w/aview said:
Nice :) Here's a quote from Steve Earle that's appropriate, but I'll let him tell it...

Like Steve, this is in my library!!!
We are NOT running away.   We are stepping as much as possible out of the system of slavery to money which means towards an authentic creative life of personal freedom and expression.   :cool:
geogentry said:
"... BUT I don't want to just sit and be like a vegetable or a rock. ..."

LOL ... This was great to read on Christmas day! Thank you!
I used to live near the ocean ... Huntington Beach. One day, I was at the beach and I was standing on the edge of the water in my street clothes when a large swell raced up to where I was standing.

I ran away.

I'd run from an animal about to attack me.

I'd run from a fire that I couldn't put out.

I'd run from many things that are appropriate to run from.

So, what if you did run? Was it wrong to run from something dangerous?

If I could find the door, I'd be running right now. Yep.
I gave up running anywhere several years ago. I sorta mosey around, moving at a pace that allows me to feel, see, smell and hear things that I spent my life glossing over everyday. I like me better and most that knew me will never understand.
There is no such thing as freedom without money. Everything in this world is money based if we don't have it we can not eat, cloth ourselves, place a roof over our heads, fuel our cars or medicate ourselves when we get ill. Most of us will be sort of running away from something or other whether that be a bad marriage, horrible job situation, running away from bad memories of wars, being bullied and battered in a relationship or what ever the case maybe.

Some of us will end up homeless, others in a better job and others on the road to retirement. What happens is we just learn to adapt to our situation what ever the case maybe and just make the most of it.

I'm just a realist and no more a dreamer.
rvwandering said:
Please keep your replies on the original topic - "Are we running away?"

After the death of my sister and my dog I did want to run. I didn't care where. I didn't want to see anything that reminded me of them and the pain. Typical grief stuff. My 'rent a friend' suggested i wait six months . So I've waited and while the grief is still palpable my plan is now based more on reason than emotion. There are plenty of reasons to run, economic, health, emotional and just wanting a change. Seeking change is a good thing in my opinion. personal growth only comes with an evaluation of inner self and change stimulates that. Standing on a mountain top gazing at the grandeur of our marvelous planet and learning to enjoy the moment and then learning to turn each day into little moments to enjoy is a worthy reason to seek change or run away to something better. Do it full time or in little bits and pieces. it's all good.
Regarding the "geographic cure": wherever you go, there you are.

The work required to change yourself may be easier if you can find or create the right environment.

But just shuffling the people and scenery around can also just be a distraction, a way to avoid the work that really needs doing.
I am moving forward with caution. I am very familiar with running away, not that I supported it, but was still a part of it. Usually someone running away doesn't really care what they are getting themselves into as long as it means getting away from what they have in the present. I have not seen that work. Yep, they simply change their surroundings, and for most that isn't enough.
This is an honest question Adrian. We have choices and make our decision to do this, are we then running from that? Does choosing a way mean running from another? Having no reason nor desire to stay, am I running away? Or am I just moving along?
I am running from a high cost of living area, for sure, but I'm also running to my purpose in life.
Live in the wilderness, be a champion for public lands, do volunteer work for the parks is just some of it.
I had been holding back on telling my friends beyond my bff what I was planning. I finally told my good friend who is happily married with great kids and dream career. He said HE'S JEALOUS. 

And here I was being the jealous one all these years!

Am I running? Yes, away from the madness of modern life that has brought me mostly misery. And running toward freedom that I need to move about as i wish.

I have SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). I lived in the Northeast most of my life. I was always miserable for months on end. Combine that with depression. I am now in Texas. I can go outside for a walk on the same days that my friends up north are snowed in.

I wish I RAN towards this years ago. I'll gladly ditch a life of constant screentime at work and home, eating crap food that makes me sicker, living for the sunny months. I'm buying my van in a week and a half. I'm itching right now. So hell yes I'm a runner lol.
The only things to get away from are harmful energies, incldg. people with harmful intentions.
I am exploring... this, what BOB talks about, videos, & encourages... certainly Not to get away.
For starters I love & like myself  :) just the way I am. .. Too I love the rest of nature especially my garden... see:
1. I love...Awakening in the morning to Mt.Rainier with the sun rising in the East.
2. I love...LIFE & asking, & discovering, & learning, & sharing...
3. I love...savoring nutrient-Rich foods & grow yet more, & win awards at state Fair.
4. I love...teaching all the wonderful things I have learned, so others too may benefit.
5. I love...visiting new places at times.
6. I love...the most stunning SUNsets thru our west-window. None more splendid anywhere.
7. I love  :heart: my Sweetie, & sharing some yummy tea, & falling asleep easily & quickly & sleep well ... &
8. I love... how in my dreams we are Pair-sk8ing... and all is well. :) All is well because I love...
When I sold everything and got a van 3 years ago I did not feel like I was run I g away, which I did ask myself, but rather I feel I was letting go. Letting go of a limited vision of how I should live and letting fonof my perceived safety lines. I think running from what we really should be doing at he time is running away and that is very different. Personally, I can feel the difference in my heart though it’s tough to admit. When I run I can’t stay gone as long, I feel the need to get back to take care of what I’m dreading. I experience those two things as totally different and I don’t enjoy myself or feel at peace if I’m running away. When it’s letting go or running to something I want it’s liberating!
"As the wall of lava looms over you, take the time to think about whether you should just face up to your fear, rather than running away."

~sizzle~ *poof*
I am saving up for a truck to tow the recently bought trailer I'm living in. I live in a small town with next to no jobs and far fewer good ones. I had an okay one that ended, then a couple months of nothing, then got a part-timer that's better than nothing, and I hope to get more work too. But there's not much reason to stay unless I have to. There is nothing to do here. Most of the people I know are retirees who have a good bit of money and really enjoy their nice homes. But they don't do much in them. Watch a lot of TV. Garden. Get together once a week or so to tell the same stories they were telling 20 years ago. Some of them drink too much. Occasionally things liven up a little when somebody drops dead.

All my life I've looked at that as pretty much a best-case scenario. You get yourself set up in as nice a house and/or neighborhood as you can, then settle into a well-earned, relaxing retirement. You come to like gardening, and reorganizing shelves. You tell neighbors you're busier than ever. They can hardly wait to agree. One afternoon a seagull drops a turtle on your head and you're done.

I've come to realize not only that I couldn't afford that best-case retirement scenario, but that, all sour grapes aside, it didn't even seem very attractive to me. Neither does ticking off the years here, with the liability and expense of a home or apartment weighing me down, until that time comes around. If I'm not all that thrilled either with what I've got or what I can see coming, even as a best-case scenario, then a reevaluation is in order and it's business-as-usual that is the questionable choice.

I'm building and planning toward a nomadic lifestyle piece by piece, not fleeing. Nobody is chasing me and I'm not running. I think of it as very positive, indeed probably my only alternative in retirement, so I should get used to it now.

I caught myself smiling yesterday, shortly after I had come home to my trailer. Over nothing in particular. I couldn't remember the last time I'd done that, or if I ever did. Did I? I must have. But now it seems like it might be becoming a natural part of my life.
geogentry said:
I am running from a slow death to a full life.
I like that a lot.  It covers how I think a lot of the time, and how I'm trying to be sure I think as much of the time as possible.

I'm still around lots of people who can infect me with negativity and a few who can send me into a spiral of depression, so staying positive is vital.
It is on my bucket list to run around the USA.
Slight change in plans.   My bf of many yrs passed.
Now,  I am thinking of going solo. :idea:
Congrats on you fabulous women going solo with Fibromyalgia & other auto immune diseases!!!!  I have the fibro.
That is worry about solo adventuring.
Glad you ladies give me hope! :heart:
JustACarSoFar said:
IF ONLY  i could run away!   (I'm not prepared)  but seriously,  I  look at what I'm running from. 

 From an apartment that makes me feel so closed in, and feel toxic and sick all the time in it..
from weather that does NOT work for me 10 months out of the year...
from too many rules that make me very angry..  (the list is in~exhaustive )

so.. instead, I think of it as 'what I'm running to'  instead of 'away from.

running to better health, less stress, all KINDS of good things!!  and meeting Many like minded new friends. :heart:

Living this lifestyle is as legitimate as any, and an absolute necessity to "breathe" for the "unrich." 

But ultimately, you take "yourself" wherever you go, and that's the problem. For what I mean, here's the best I've come up with for explainers: 

Prem Rawat
Jed McKenna
Burnadette Roberts
David Carse
Echart Tolle

I'm not enlightened by any stretch. But I think I know what it is. "Experiencing the silence/stillness of existence, itself, all the time."  Merged back into this "non-thing", no person or thing can hurt it.  And the funniest thing of all, any sense of puny self is no where to be found. 

We all have (on automatic) "feet of clay", to one degree or another, until the day this shift happens.  That seems to be an inviolable law of existence for a human being. 

I have never liked the sound of running away as much as I do right now. I am that person who is always there for everyone else. I don't even feel like a person any longer because I am only here to make others happy and make sure that what needs to be done is always done. I'm the problem solver. I have always wanted the nomadic lifestyle. I never followed through because I needed to care for everyone else, but now these people I have given my life to are killing me inside and I guess they have been all along. I am so stressed out that my chest hurts and my eyes twitch when my phone rings. If I had a van and the finances I would walk out the door and never look back. So tired and praying for a miracle. Sorry to put it out there like this I usually keep everything to myself, but today I can't because I feel like I'm sinking and it feels good to tell it even if to strangers. May peace and love follow you always!!

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