Are most traveling alone?

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I'm traveling alone for the most part. I tried it with a couple of lady friends but both times ended with frustration and bad feelings. One after one day, the other after 2 weeks. I had dated and been friends with both for years but that is no guarantee for success. It might happen again but I'm not holding my breath. So far it seems road life is way easier and more enjoyable being solo. (And I get to listen to my type of music on the radio!)
After reading many newb stories, including the one I wrote and posted, it occurs to me that many choose to go the vandweller or traveler route just after getting out of a relationship based on a fixed address, house/apt, etc.

My soon-to-be ex, was somehow planning on coming along for the ride when I was talking RV or TT, but now that I've got a van, alas, there is no room... (heh)
Way before getting my van I was traveling alone, and most of it through very busy, crowded places. Getting my van and being able to really be alone is such a relief, I like nothing better than going out away from everything, and staying until I run out of food, water, or whatever. I honestly think that human beings are made to be nomads and that living at a fixed address is a recent aberration that came about because of the industrial age.

That said, there is nothing better than being out in the boonies and meeting up with a couple of kindred spirits and sharing a campfire... before moving on...
Traveling alone is best for me. I'm ocd about everything being in its place so I can find stuff. Plus whenever I've had women in the van with me, it has been hard to get a restful sleep. I have a California single bed and like to be able to roll over.
I do get lonely at times, especially when I'm having a really cool adventure or seeing an awesome view. But 95% of the time, I enjoy my aloneness.
Just a sidenote, I'm no Don Juan in looks or speech. But it has amazed me that so many women are fascinated with living and traveling in a van with me. Especially younger women in their twenties. Even seeing my campfire hatchet and survival knife doesn't seem to bother them. Lol But I prefer an uncomplicated life. For the most part.
I have traveled alone and prefer to have female companionship. The compromise is I'm not a full time vandweller. We spend the warm months at our sticks and bricks in the PNW and the rest of the time in our van looking for that mythical beach or perfect camping spot where it's perpetually shorts and flip flop weather.
If you are respectful and you can take care if your affairs. That's very attractive.
Hello Vandwellers,

I'm a long time lurker but this topic is of great interest to me.
I've been full timing for about a year and a half, not terribly stealth, Vintage truck and travel.
trailer. I'm a Canadian so it's north in summer and south in winter.
Louisiana, Texas etc.
I've discovered I'm terribly lonely. It seems most of our type are loners, where I am very extroverted. I also prefer cities to rural areas, making this lifestyle complicated, although I've been incredibly fortunate with urban parking opportunities. I'm camping in the very heart of Brooklyn at the moment!
But yes, I really miss a woman's company, there have been so many great adventures that I'd have loved to share. I have always assumed that to have a relationship I was going to have to go back to bricks and mortar. I'm well employed, fit and healthy, but I'm certainly not attracting anyone who would appreciate this life.
To get to my point, from reading this thread, it seems there may be women who could endorse the bohemian lifestyle, if this is so I'll redouble my efforts to find one!
I just can't seem to get over having to describe myself as the guy that lives in the old Airstream,....

Is there hope?

Peter and Geordie (the pup)
Try to just date. Don't mention you are "retired early and independently dirt cheap wealthy ". Dating web sites. Can't believe people don't just try.
PK, Get offline. Get into life. What sort of lady are you interested in? Why would she be interested in you? Where would you find her? You know these answers. There are wonderful ladies out there looking for someone decent, honest, sincere, dependable, fun, interesting, clean, willing to put her interests in front of yours. When you find her, and you will, count your lucky stars. You won the lottery, treat her like it!
After a few too many interesting experiences with dating websites, never again! As for not mentioning your personal situation...sounds like dating website behavior. I view that as deceitful and a person who deceives about one thing will deceive about anything.

I agree with what Owl has written. I would add that being a Gentleman (not just acting like one but truly being one) goes a very long way towards attracting a Lady. Someone told me that it's a matter of finding someone whose demons play well with your demons. I wouldn't argue with that, either.

Good luck and best wishes, PK.
I imagine when I go full time it will be solo. I take off alone a lot now, so will not be a big deal. I like my solitude. And then, sometimes I do like to be around people in short spurts. But I like being able to decide how long to be social instead of waiting on another person to be able to leave. Having someone there all the time would drive me bonkers, I like my space. I like my kind of music. I like quiet when I want it. I like my kind of movie. I like not cooking when I feel like it. I like writing without interruption. I like having stuff put in it's place and my space being uncluttered. I like not having a spotlight on me when I need to go to the bathroom. Sometimes people just talk to much and it wears on me.

I sound like a selfish chick, so be it. :)
Read ITS JUST A F***ING DATE book recently. It gets you out of the mindset that you think you need to find the perfect person, looking for the perfect you. No one can do that, and you will not find that. ---- Instead just find interesting people to meet and see if magic will happen. Stop putting pressure in yourself to be what they want. But don't try to share everything. That's not dishonest. That's sensible, as everyone has privacy about some things .
Just go to san diego, tons of woman and people who live in Vans. I was amazed at how normal it was. Didnt even phase anyone.
Mikelgiles said:
After looking around at the forums I get the feeling that a large percentage are lone travelers. &nbsp;Am I correct about that? &nbsp;And if so why? &nbsp;Is it pretty hard to find couples that both have a interest in this kind of lifestyle? &nbsp; I am currently not on the road but really have a desire to be. &nbsp;The wife is not even close to 'wanting' to be on the road and I am not even sure she would follow me there ( guess I will find that out soon enough).<div><br></div><div>The questions that I have are:</div><div><br></div><div>Is the community mostly single travelers?</div><div><br></div><div>What is the reason?</div><div><br></div><div>Is it really hard for a long time couple to have the same tdesires for this kind of life?</div>

I am  single women by choice and love to travel alone.If   I want to stop and see something  I can. if I want to stop and nap I can. but I love knowing that soon I will be meeting up with friends in many different places and look forward to that time most likely meet more new friends maybe stay awhile and move on.The reason for me  I want to see other places  and though the friends you learn new places. I just think I have gypsy feet and mind.For me I have very little stress and I like it that way. Same way when I come home to Seattle It is so glad to see my family and friends but I get so excited when I know I'm going. The dog and I are on the road and I start signing ( on the road again ) I noticed last time Chewy my fur child  covered his ears......but being the smart dog he is he never said a word ( LOL) see you down the road....