Anyone try Pigeon, Crow or any other critter....

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You can get on a Highway Patrol list to pick up fresh deer.

i used to work state the enconomy got tougher we actually had people actually fighting over those deer, while in earlier years i had to beg people to take 10-point bucks! But frugal folks never turn it down - one time I had a 'financially embarassed' man living with his disabled parents accept 3 of them in one day (blizzard, lots of deer running around) and after discarding the bad parts, he got one 'good' deer and was one happy fellow. Venison is delicious, road killed or not!
I've tried, squirrel, rabbit, goat, and bear.  Would eat all again.
I'm mostly a vegetarian now (my doctor wants me veg) to help with health issues, but:<br /><br />Rattlesnake: YUM (in butter)<br />Bear: it's ok.<br />Elk: YUM.<br />Duck: Absolutely my favorite meat.<br />Beef Head: kinda stringy and tough: not all that yummy.<br /><br />
So far I haven't eaten any of this "critters." But I'd be willing to give them a taste if someone fixed them for me. Now only if I could find somewhere in Vegas who prepares these items. I think I'll have a hard time all the same.
I had some dog in Korea I thought was beefsteak though it had nothing about it similar to beefsteak.&nbsp; The guy serving it seemed honest when he told me it was beefsteak.<br /><br />My lady of the time, Che Kyang Yoon explained about it later.&nbsp; Giggled.<br /><br />I'm trying to think of something it reminded me of but can't think of a thing.<br /><br />A bunch of GIs in my hooch in Korea caught several rats, dressed them out&nbsp;and cooked them up, but not enough for everyone.&nbsp; We were drunk, of course.&nbsp; Drew high card to see who had to eat a rat next.&nbsp; I was second and eleventh.
i have had cottontail which is great pan fried, i look foward to harvesting more. <br />larger critters i've had are deer, elk, bison, and canned gator.. all of which tasted anywhere&nbsp;from great&nbsp;to atleast better then fake meat.<br />i don't like the idea of eating scavengers&nbsp;but meat is meat, i would if i had to.
remember all birds are edible, &nbsp;but some i might not want to know what i'm eating.&nbsp; i have had pigeon. its&nbsp;like any other game bird imho.&nbsp; highdesertranger
Anybody ever try any Alligator?&nbsp; Quite possibly one of my favorite meats out there.&nbsp; Also, if you can get past the texture cow tongue is quite delicious.
I have not had pigeon but have thought about it. I know people that eat it and even raise them, but just have not had the opportunity. I would happily eat it if I needed to. As for other wild birds, especially buzzards, eat only the legs! <br><br>I have eaten and liked: frog legs, sheep, rabbit, moose steaks/roast/heart, elk, pig brains in scrambled eggs, chicken hearts/gizzards, beef heart and many of the more common wild hunted meats. Lots of hunters up here! I have not eaten snails, but would if given the opportunity to eat good ones cooked with garlic/butter.&nbsp;<br><br>I have not tried tongue but would if given a chance. I have read that it is peeled before eating. That's the only way it would be at all palatable to me. It probably looks like any other organ meat if you peel it, right?<br><br>I watched a documentary on cultivating earthworms for food once. Very interesting!&nbsp;<br><br>Now that I can travel to a warm area of BC to camp, I'm looking forward to trying mussels. I have researched the best ways to cook them, etc. I grew up in Tennessee and remember playing with them and crayfish/crawfish in the local lakes. I would eat both of those now!&nbsp;<br><br>I'm an avid forager!<br><br><br>
I love Andrew Zimmern! My father was very catholic about what went on the table. It went a long way toward balancing out government cheese and macaroni (i loath most pasta now). Even now I eat what my friends think is gross. Gizzards, heart, tongue, liver, kidney. My favorite thing about roasting a chicken is scooping out the rich brown tissue in the crevice in the thighs. I think they are part of the respiratory system. I want to explore insects. I figure I eat shrimp and lobsters, why not their land side cousins. I would love recommendations for books on expansive wildcrafting.
I have chevy express 2500. I get 19 to 21 on the highway in the east of the miss river pulling my 6x12 cargo made into a camper I get 14 to 16. In jan I went out west to quartzsite the whole trip was 5500 miles I got on avarege 11 to 12 miles per gallon. spent 1600 dollers on gas. will not do that again. next time I will just use the van