anyone homesteading?

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Nice house setup there... That's my dream one day. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br /><br />
I understand the desire and perhaps ones need&nbsp;for a commune type setting, but I could NOT live under rules even if they are for the good of all...I currently am building a cabin in Alaska on what was once a homestead.&nbsp; The family has "rules" and its causing me grief.&nbsp;Mind you there are NO building codes here because I live outside of any&nbsp;town.&nbsp; I wanted a quaint cabin and I'm forced to make it 1000 sf.&nbsp; I wanted a compost toilet and&nbsp;am forced to put in a septic which run a minimum of $6 thou and most likely $12 thousand because of the clay content.&nbsp;This will never be a mistake I make again.&nbsp; Living under another's rules makes me feel caged.<br />Rae
Nice house setup there... That's my dream one day. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br><br>
yesican said:
I understand the desire and perhaps ones need&nbsp;for a commune type setting, but I could NOT live under rules even if they are for the good of all...I currently am building a cabin in Alaska on what was once a homestead.&nbsp; The family has "rules" and its causing me grief.&nbsp;Mind you there are NO building codes here because I live outside of any&nbsp;town.&nbsp; I wanted a quaint cabin and I'm forced to make it 1000 sf.&nbsp; I wanted a compost toilet and&nbsp;am forced to put in a septic which run a minimum of $6 thou and most likely $12 thousand because of the clay content.&nbsp;This will never be a mistake I make again.&nbsp; Living under another's rules makes me feel caged.<br />Rae
<br /><br />I've never located a place where anyone could live entirely free of rules, but my travels over the past 70 years haven't taken me to Alaska.&nbsp; Anarchy's certainly an appealing prospect.
so where does one start to research a HOMESTEAD land property? Starting trying to find just land in North Carolina mountains, but all I see are developer advertisements to sell buildable lots, with the required building codes. Maybe have to start thinking SMALL FARM property instead, with a house that needs to be demolished completely, and price it assuming the old building has to be removed.
I'm curious about that aspect as well. I google land all the time but haven't found the types of land discussed here where one can homestead... I am still researching, though. :")
Homesteading can mean different things to many different people. Some want to live in a remote area and build their&nbsp;own home, others want to grow their own food and produce every thing they need for survival. &nbsp;The one thing that is common among homesteaders is self reliance. Generally homesteading property is a 5 acre or more farm lot or some acreage in a remote area. These properties are sold as farm land, hobby farm, vacation property, getaway property and other terms can be used. The price of these properties can very widely depending on location and remoteness availability of power and water and roads to the property.
&nbsp; I bought my little place in the woods years ago,took several years just to get electric,A Well, then septic,&nbsp;still here, &amp; haven't done much to it,,it has a tobacco barn on it, I was going to fix up-NOT,, the county inspector said i had to get a building permit to tear it down &amp; start over--(CRAZY) so i left it alone. I used to garden, But the Animals got more than me---so I stopped the Free Food thing.have a few fruit trees, but they are in bad shape the squirrels get it all any way.<br />&nbsp; summer Time,&nbsp;I get some Asparagus &amp; Raspberries till the birds clean the rest of them,,the grocery store only 24 miles away-so buy there &amp; the food is&nbsp;safe in the House. I don't hunt, just no reason to do so.<br />sparky1 in southern Va.
Homesteading is and has always been my ultimate goal in life. I now have that opportunity to set down anywhere I choose. Looking for suitable land can be daunting. The Internet is a waste of time if your searching for land. The real estate goons have taken it over. It is my estimation that the ONLY viable way to find what you (I) seek is to pick a region of the country and actually go there and look locally. I am currently searching for a small plot of land no more than an acre for myself. It is possible.
&nbsp;&nbsp; (1) acre, more than likely will do you NO GOOD.septic to well is 100+ ft from each other---if you ever plan to actually Try and build on it-. some places have 100-150 ft set back from a road to build--You need to check County Regulations out, Long before you plan to buy anything,so not to waste your time &amp; money.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp; -back in the mid 80's i got cought "living" on my place with NO septic-I had a home made open out house,simi hidden,&nbsp;&amp; a neighbor turned me in-(he got cought for his crap too)--i was burying my stuff from the 17 ft Travel trailer, i was living in,--all not allowed, Big bucks later well,$6800. septic$4800. &amp; electric $3,000-(1) pole.,now huge taxes because it's (Improved land) but legal.<br />sparky1 in S.Va.
I disagree. I plan on using a composting toilet, above ground cistern for water and I won't live anywhere with building codes and regulations.