Anyone have solution for quick release mounts for solar panel?

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Well-known member
Mar 21, 2012
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I am trying to think of a way to mount a 64"x39" solar panel to my van roof and be able to remove it quickly. If I park in the shade for a week I would like to be able to easily remove the panel from my roof to move out a bit into the sun. (only when I am there watching it for security )<br><br>I would also like to be able to lift one side of the panel while on the roof to get a better angle to the sun. I'm thinking some type of hinge that has a quick release pin that has a safety cottor pin tp secure the hinge in place???? anyone use or see anything like this?
I used door hinges on mine, much cheaper than the expensive commercial setup you find online. &nbsp; This way I can tilt either side or remove it.&nbsp; In fact, just did that this am so I could clean and wax beneath it.&nbsp; Here is a pic, was a little sloppy with the silicone but have since cleaned it up, better sloppy than have a leak.<br><br><br><img rel="lightbox" src="" class="bbc_img">
door hinges with trailor latch pins . the ones that have the spring clip for lock. check fleemarkets.
Blars: thanks for the link but I can't visualize the way those work.<br><br>Greybeard23 and travlin man: I have thought of hinges but not sure how to quickly un-hinge them. I am unsure what trailer pins are with spring clip locks. I will google and check it out<br><br>thanks
t man that is what I was going to say.&nbsp; trailer hitch pins.&nbsp; highdesertranger

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