Any other swimmers/water lovers here?

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Well-known member
Mar 11, 2013
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Swimming is my peace, my sanity, and my fitness.  It allows me to be whole and strong and capable again, I can say with complete truthfulness, I am far more comfortable in water than on land.

After a lifetime of competitive swimming, lifeguarding, surfing (very badly), and scuba diving, now I swim, kayak, snorkel... pretty much anything to get wet.

Any other water lovers out there?
I wouldn't call myself a swimmer per se, but in the last few days I've been taking advantage of my lake front spot. Crazy, I'd been here for 4 days before the lightbulb went off and I thought "I'm ten feet from clear clean water and it's 80 degrees - duh!" Now I'm in the water a couple times a day. Going for a dip in about 5 minutes as a matter of fact.
IanC said:
I wouldn't call myself a swimmer per se, but in the last few days I've been taking advantage of my lake front spot.  Crazy, I'd been here for 4 days before the lightbulb went off and I thought "I'm ten feet from clear clean water and it's 80 degrees - duh!" Now I'm in the water a couple times a day. Going for a dip in about 5 minutes as a matter of fact.

Sounds awesome, Ian!!  We have a pool about 20 feet from our door at the condo, and the beach at the end of the street, it was torture when I recovering from the knee replacement and couldn't go into the ocean.

Enjoy your splash!!
I was a swimmer in my early to mid teens, no real swimming around here though unless you pay
ArtW said:
I was a swimmer in my early to mid teens, no real swimming around here though unless you pay

I pay to swim now (still stuck in IL for a while) and it sucks a bit, limited hours, crowded pool...  But still worth it to me, makes this tired old carcass feel young again.  :D
ArtW said:
I just sink now :O
I thought fat floated

LOL!  I taught swimming for over 25 years, I could get you floating in 10 minutes.
I bet you could, I was actually pretty good at one time, not competitive good, but 2nd or sometimes 3rd fastest across the public pool good (yeah that matters to a kid lol)
preferred swim stroke was that 'modified crawl' I guess you;d call it, with head held above the water, not as fast as a proper crawl, but apparently a pretty good back builder, along with climbing trees
All that summer, swimming, sometimes climbing trees, failed the fitness test when I went back to school that year (pushups and running mostly) but ACED pullups lol
If we're ever in the same place at the same time, and there's water nearby, we'll take a swim! I'll pass on the pull ups and tree climbing though.
hahaha it's a deal! I'm too fat to do pullups now anyway :(
And last time I tried to climb a tree my youngest remarked "looks like 5 monkeys Effin football"
Lucky I wasn't far up, i laughed so hard I fell out
Just want to share a quick recipe (I spend so much time on here, my Firefox start page reminds me to "get up and get something to eat. The web will be here when you get back")

Recipe: 10 minute swim in cold lake + pump sprayer filled with water as hot as you can stand + new blade in your razor + new set of tighty whities fresh from the pack + fresh pot of coffee = better than ...well, just about anything. Resort living, baby!
Been board surfing for nearly 35 years, and bodyboarding/bodysurfing for years before that.

Without regular salt water immersion therapy, I'd be long dead.

I was on the swim team in high school, until they started having meets on weekends my senior year. I was only swimming to stay in shape for surfing, and weekends were for surfing, even mid winter, in NJ.

One of the best swimmers on the team, also claimed to be a surfer. He was regularly state champion in butterfly stroke. 50 100 and 200 yards. We went surfing on a 6 foot day in February, and he could not make it outside/ push through the breakers.
I am the same way! I can't even remember learning how to swim in the same way I don't remember learning how to walk. It is one reason why I consider Michigan to be the best place in the world between the months of May-Sept. The swimming opportunities are tremendous. You know how Minnesota likes to brag about their 10,000 lakes. Ph-shaw! Michigan has 11,000! :) There are a ton of public free beaches on the Great Lakes too. I swim almost every day in the summer.

So since this topic has come up, I was wondering how the swimming is during the winter in places like Ehrenberg. Is the Colorado river ok for swimming that far downstream or is it too cold, too dirty, etc?
slynne said:
So since this topic has come up, I was wondering how the swimming is during the winter in places like Ehrenberg. Is the Colorado river ok for swimming that far downstream or is it too cold, too dirty, etc?

I couldn't believe how clean the Colorado was around Eherenberg. Very clear - and it almost looks turquoise from a distance.


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I love being in the water. I am also the only person I know who has failed Red Cross Beginning Swimming 4 times.
slynne said:
So since this topic has come up, I was wondering how the swimming is during the winter in places like Ehrenberg. Is the Colorado river ok for swimming that far downstream or is it too cold, too dirty, etc?

That all depends on how you define 'too cold' and 'too dirty'!

A friend who grew up swimming in the Pacific swears that the water temp is balmy in my way of thinking, he's nuts! That water is way toooo cold to get wet in.... :D I grew up swimming in fresh water lakes that were not bathwater temp but still!

As to clean, well, the section around Ehrenberg has already had 100's of miles of farm fields right adjacent to it and no, they're not all organic. Put it this way, the local fishermen that I talked to this winter are all catch and release for a reason.

Better that you be in a watercraft of some kind IMO.
slynne said:
I am the same way! I can't even remember learning how to swim in the same way I don't remember learning how to walk. It is one reason why I consider Michigan to be the best place in the world between the months of May-Sept. The swimming opportunities are tremendous.  You know how Minnesota likes to brag about their 10,000 lakes. Ph-shaw! Michigan has 11,000! :)  There are a ton of public free beaches on the Great Lakes too.  I swim almost every day in the summer.

Yup, I was born on Cape Cod and learned to swim in the icy Atlantic before I could walk (thanks dad!).  As a military family we moved constantly so I've been swimming in more bodies of water than I can count... did my first mile swim in Aegean Sea off the coast of Greece when I was 10, it was magical.
IanC said:
Just want to share a quick recipe (I spend so much time on here, my Firefox start page reminds me to "get up and get something to eat. The web will be here when you get back")

Recipe: 10 minute swim in cold lake + pump sprayer filled with water as hot as you can stand + new blade in your razor + new set of tighty whities fresh from the pack + fresh pot of coffee = better than ...well, just about anything. Resort living, baby!

Except for the tighty whiteys, that sounds like a slice of heaven.   :p
SternWake said:
Been board surfing for nearly 35 years, and bodyboarding/bodysurfing for years before that.

Without regular salt water immersion therapy, I'd be long dead.

I was on the swim team in high school, until they started having meets on weekends my senior year.  I was only swimming to stay in shape for surfing, and weekends were for surfing, even mid winter, in NJ.

One of the best swimmers on the team, also claimed to be a surfer.  He was regularly state champion in butterfly stroke. 50 100 and 200 yards. We went surfing on a 6 foot day in February, and he could not make it outside/ push through the breakers.

I quit the swim team when I realized I could get paid cash money to teach swimming to little kids, and spend my time in the guard stand.  Still had to swim every day for that job requirement, but getting paid was a big win!

Surprised how many people don't take the time to learn how to get through the breakers, as I said I can't surf anymore, but every now and then I'll paddle out just to sit there and feel the water move under me.
I didn't start swimming until i was in the Army, and realized that i love swimming. I love the feeling of being at the bottom of pool. I don't get to swim anymore, but I'm always excited when i get the chance.

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