An Anti-Stealth Idea for the Van

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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2012
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<p>White vans are getting a bad rap in Iowa right now.&nbsp; There are some pervs abducting kids and it is all over the news.&nbsp; I want to make my van appear legitimate and keep cops from bothering me.... Here's an idea that came to mind when someone suggested I add graphics.<br /><br />Iowa has a lot of biking events, the largest of which is a bike ride across the state involving 15,000 riders.&nbsp; What better way to portray the white van than to make it a "sag wagon" for bike riders?<br /><br />Here is my idea...&nbsp; I might order up a couple of magnets with graphics of bikes on them.&nbsp; The rack will sit on the back with at least one bike locked to it at all times.&nbsp; When I go out of town, I can&nbsp;park it about anywhere, possibly even near a residential area.&nbsp; A bike ride on a nearby trail is a great excuse for an out of county vehicle, too.&nbsp; It's the truth!<br /><br />Does this seem like a reasonable thing to see on a van with a bike on it?<br /><br /><br /><strong>Team VanTrekker</strong></p><p><strong>Bike Support Vehicle</strong></p><div style="text-align: left;"><strong>Please watch for bicyclists<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />--------------------------------------</strong></div>
<br /><span style="font-family: 'comic sans ms', sans-serif;"><strong>I for one, think it's brilliant! :)<br /><br />Personally, I'd have one on each side, &amp; one on the rear.<br /><br /></strong></span>
Sounds like a great idea to me, and even better since you wouldn't be lying <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">&nbsp;
Hi Bradford, Good idea I think.<br /><br />I have always thought that obvious is often better than trying to sneak around and not be noticed.<br /><br />We have talked that around a bit on here and there are many who swear by "stealth" and trying to go unnoticed. I believe they are fooling themselves. If an LEO has any experience in their trade, they will check out anything that looks at all like someone is trying to hide something. In my area it might be a drug lab or hauling undocumented immigrants.<br /><br />I think if you are acting as though you belong and are doing nothing suspicious, you will never be hassled or bothered and if you are accosted it will be for a welfare check. Of course that is just my opinion, although it is backed by 40 years of off and on vehicle living. The art of camoflage is often being so obvious you don't require another look...<br /><br />Once upon a time I lived in a lime green 1960's vintage metro stepvan and had small graphics magnetic stickon that looked official but said "Ragged Edge Research and Development" I would wear coveralls and park on the U of O campus to go take showers, forage waste food, etc. I always would carry a clipboard and wear a hardhat. It was perfect as long as they didn't get suspicious. I only did it for a short time so don't know what would have happened if campus police would have seen there very much. I include a scanned photo of it and me in 1979...I don't have the magnet on it in the photo. <br /><br />I believe if you are accosted by an leo, you really need to look at why, not get defensive, because it is you that drew the attention, not them going around looking to hassle. Believe me they have to account for every move they make and a lot of it is filmed these days by the leo vehicle camera, so they don't much bother making stuff up.<br /><br />I am a believer that we create our own realities so you can draw that kind of energy in or draw good energy in.<br /><br />You sound like a guy to me that draws a lot of good energy in and I think being more obvious/less stealth&nbsp; will suit you well...<br /><br />Forge on,<br />Bri
That's one of the coolest stepvans I've every seen, Bri!
If I were a police detective and had your van under loose surveillance with your license number on the computer, I might find it a bit suspicious if your van sprouted signs shortly after the 'white van' ID hit the news.&nbsp;
Thanks PM....I loved it....unfortunately it was at a very low point of my life....soon before I got sober and clean. <br /><br />When I was a young lad in Seattle, my Explorer post leader worked maintenance&nbsp; for the city and bought a surplus&nbsp; step van from them, kind of like mine and he fixed it up with rescue equipment and first aid gear and we became a Lowland Search and Rescue team. I loved it and loved the van...sooo....<img src="/images/boards/smilies/tongue.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /><br />Bri
Awwww. yr so, youth...<img src="/images/boards/smilies/bawl.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /><br />Bri
Hi Van Trekker,<br />Have you <em>personally</em> been hassled? I belong to the "not broke don't fix it" school, and try not to act in response to something that is not really my fight. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/wink.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /><br />GL,<br />Wintersmith
That's a great suggestion. Putting&nbsp;bike graphics makes the bike on the back of the van look very legitimate. You would fit into most places as long as you aren't too active outside the van. On a slightly different note, in the past I've worked security and have spotted van dwellers while making my rounds. I think it's just from reading the van dwelling posts.<br />I've patrolled one residential neighborhood and would spot one particular van that appeared around once a week. Later this same van appeared parked at a closed business. The van dweller was doing the right thing when he slept at night.
I like it!&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;And when&nbsp;the&nbsp;ride across&nbsp;the state&nbsp;is over, those magnets can be&nbsp;easily removed. &nbsp; Keep on pedaling.<br />Katie
&nbsp; I'm leaning towards the -if it's not broke don't fix it side. If and when the police stop you because of the abductions you'll be in the system and familiar to them , listed as a harmless local with a van and a bike. Adding the graphic should be unnecessary.
Another relevant question is: How long have you been in this community? If you've been there 1+ yrs, you're probably not under suspicion. If you came there the day after the abductions, this could raise some doubts about you.<br /><br /><br />Slightly OT, one thing I like about your plan is that it entails giving back to community you're in. In my case, I am cognizant of the fact that I live a semi-parasitic lifestyle: I don't pay property taxes, I do use public resources for internet and electricity, and the like. While it is difficult to do things in a public way, since I don't want to draw attention to myself, I do try to do things for others when I can, as a way of saying thanks.<img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /><br /><br />GL,<br />Witersmith<br /><br />
Wow, i remember finding this guys blog in a yahoo article a few years ago, it was when i first heard of this lifestyle.&nbsp; Neat find for me <img src="/images/boards/smilies/tongue.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
I found out about Glenn through that same Yahoo article too.&nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />
Mine's going to say; retired bicyclist---traveling around the country---use van only when "wore out"<br />Thanks for the inspiration.
Here's a suggestion for parking in a closed business parking lot for a good nights sleep. Keep in mind this will only work if the business DOES NOT have a security guard on patrol. If there IS a security guard patrol on duty don't do this!!!<br /><br />The next time you are in a Goodwill/Savers/other similiar store that sells used clothing look for a security guard uniform shirt. I found one at a local "Saver's" store. All you'll need is the uniform shirt. When you pull into the business parking lot for a good nights sleep do the following. Put the security guards uniform shirt somewhere near the front of your vehicle where it can be easily seen. This will work in most any vehicle. This will work for a number of reasons.<br /><br />(1)&nbsp;Most&nbsp;people will assume that a security guard uniform may indicate that there is a security guard somewhere in the area. This is his/her spare shirt.<br />(2) Law enforcement officers (LEO's) may also assume that there is a security officer somewhere. This may be his vehicle. They may just ignore your vehicle.<br />(3) Most people don't want to get a security officer upset at them. They may just move onto another vehicle if they have plan on breaking into a vehicle.<br /><br />Another suggestion you might use is to buy a rotating amber emergency light. Put this somewhere on the INSIDE of your vehicle. Again, most people will assume that this vehicle is owned by a security guard.<br /><br />Hopefully this advice will help some of you stay a little safer "on the road."<br /><br />Enjoy!
Pikachu<br /><br />Without going into detail, I can see impersonating a security guard as a source of heartaches when discovered. And yes, even if you make no verbal claim, I think you're still doing an impersonation. And you're trespassing.