America the Miserable depending on your age!

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I agree on all your basic points - as well as some others recently posted. To add or contrast I suggest the following.

1. Sure, there are individuals that can rise above others with the same opportunities. But the greater majority will not achieve nearly as much as those with greater opportunities. Pointing out outliers is but another way to claim we don't need to do better.
2. It's true this country has better opportunities than many others. But most of our undocumented immigrants come from pretty bad places. And not just economically. I don't see us wanting to building walls today to keep the throng of EU citizens seeking more opportunity. Even Trump admitted that when he said he wanted more Europeans and fewer people from s**thole countries.
3. Discrimination has always existed in the US and it still does. But today it is directed more at brown and black people. Anyone that can't see that needs to talk to a few racial minorities now and again. Failing that, check the statistics. Even if we are starting to clean up some of the worst of it, the effects will take generations to overcome. Wealth, opportunity, education, and culture are all inherited and the results, both good and bad, stay with people for generations.

I especially want to agree with Rruff on (Honestly I think both "sides" are simply reacting to the intense manipulation going on. If we actually had a true dialog rather than a fake/manipulated one there would be no problem.) While I may think one "side" is much more manipulative that the other, I agree that both are guilty of keeping us in our respective tribes. How any of us are not outraged when the politicians admit to not passing needed legislation that would be good for the country because not to do so would be better for their political ambitions escapes me.

OK. That's my one daily post. I find I am a happier man keeping my participation to a minimum. :)

We've steadily made progress, and at this point poor blacks are happier with their lives and prospects for the future than poor whites. Even though the data should be available in the surveys, I wanted to find happiness by both race and income across the board and failed... but I suspect blacks are happier than whites at other income levels as well. Overall, If you are concerned about racial prejudice and want to do something, at least take your lead from the consensus of the race you believe you are supporting! BTW... by "you" I don't mean you personally!

"Drop in Racism Explains Happiness Increase David Leonhardt writes, "The most obvious [cause of the shift] is the decrease — though certainly not the elimination — in day-to-day racism. 'The decline in prejudice has been astounding,' says Kerwin Charles, a University of Chicago economist who has studied discrimination."

A major issue with this divisive fear-mongering rhetoric, is that both "sides" are letting the most extreme fringe dominate the message and grow. So we have both sides fighting the fringe of the other, and no one is stepping back and saying to their own idiots "whoa there, that's nonsense... chill out and have a beer."

The "right" fanatics are preparing for a civil war. They believe that the "communist left" fanatics are cramming a bunch of things down their throats that they don't want, and they are getting close to the breaking point. The lefty fanatics believe that they should be free to angrily shame, cancel, and censor anyone based on their perception of morality, and pass laws in support of their ideologies. And if you don't like it, you are evil. The "right" are mostly religious, and have their own ideas about morality, which are not going to change in a hurry. And these are things they will fight about violently if pushed... and they have all the guns.

We have made great and steady progress towards social equality and freedom for all, that seems to be completely ignored by the left these days. For instance the recent trope that the founders were immoral because they didn't abolish slavery. The truth is that they were not idiots and knew they needed a consensus to even start a country, and the southern states would have never joined. Social progress takes time. We did eventually fight a bloody and horrendous civil war over the subject of slavery... something I don't think any other country has done. The reason why it was difficult to abolish slavery in the US was because a large part of the country relied on slaves for manual labor, and they were right in believing that abolition would devastate their economy. Also, the Bible condones slavery (even in the NT), so it's really tough to convince a Christian that it's inherently evil.

We are being manipulated into a conflict that will accomplish nothing but the establishment of a totalitarian state. The oligarchs would love that since they could do away with the pretense of democracy. Oops! No, that isn't what we wanted! Too bad, you blew your chance... and it's only going to get worse from here....
I know I'll get a bunch of flak but Lincoln didn't start out to abolish slavery. He didn't want slavery in any new states & didn't want the south to succeed from the Union. So abolishing slavery was his bluff which he had to carry out when Jefferson Davis & much of the south succeeded. Lincoln also wanted Grant to head the Union army which he would have done but most of Virginia went with the south & Grant stayed true to his state. The Western part of Virginia stayed with the Union & became the state of West Virginia.
I know I'll get a bunch of flak but Lincoln didn't start out to abolish slavery. He didn't want slavery in any new states & didn't want the south to succeed from the Union. So abolishing slavery was his bluff which he had to carry out when Jefferson Davis & much of the south succeeded. Lincoln also wanted Grant to head the Union army which he would have done but most of Virginia went with the south & Grant stayed true to his state. The Western part of Virginia stayed with the Union & became the state of West Virginia.
Lee, not Grant. Accuracy is important!
Because of his reputation as one of the finest officers in the United States Army, Abraham Lincoln offered Lee the command of the Federal forces in April 1861. Lee declined and tendered his resignation from the army when the state of Virginia seceded on April 17, arguing that he could not fight against his own people. Robert E. Lee
Lee, not Grant. Accuracy is important!
Because of his reputation as one of the finest officers in the United States Army, Abraham Lincoln offered Lee the command of the Federal forces in April 1861. Lee declined and tendered his resignation from the army when the state of Virginia seceded on April 17, arguing that he could not fight against his own people. Robert E. Lee
You are correct it was Lee & Arlington National was his plantation. Good catch SLB_SA!
We've steadily made progress, and at this point poor blacks are happier with their lives and prospects for the future than poor whites. Even though the data should be available in the surveys, I wanted to find happiness by both race and income across the board and failed... but I suspect blacks are happier than whites at other income levels as well. Overall, If you are concerned about racial prejudice and want to do something, at least take your lead from the consensus of the race you believe you are supporting! BTW... by "you" I don't mean you personally!

BTW... by "you" I don't mean you personally!

I hope not. Or the black and brown folks in my immediate family would (hopefully) jump to my defense.
In my experience dealing with people, the very poor & the very rich are the happiest, both ends of the bell curve. It's the big bunch in the middle, the fake want-to-be's that are neck deep in debt trying to live a lifestyle they can't afford that are the real pains in the arse to deal with. You have to be happy & content with yourself at all stages of life & wealth to be happy. You need enough $$$ to grease the wheel & above that you should find someone in need to help out. After all you can't take it with you & I've seen too many families split because of inheritance issues many times caused by the spouses. My friend that I got my 1st plane from, his Dad was my wood shop & welding teacher, just a great guy. When he passed he gave my friend a 180 acre farm & his Mom had already passed & gave him 2 very nice blueberry farms. His comment after his Dad died was "He screwed me from the grave" That really p*ssed me off. I've taught my sons to work smart & do right. They are doing well so we plan on helping good people in need with what we leave. I didn't want anything when my folks died & made that clear. My best friend & I had his Dad for wood shop last hour in Jr High. He said he needed 2 kids to work on the farm in the summer. My friend & I raised our hands & said we'd do it. He said he'd asked the same thing the past 5 classes & only got how much & what do we have to do. He was a very good man.
Most nights I listen to CoasttoCoastAm which has 2 2 hour shows. The 1st tonight starts in 10 min is
First Half: Les Leopold is a graduate of Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs. He'll discuss how corporations in the US have used mass layoffs and stock buybacks to enrich shareholders at the expense of employees and how the impact of this financial strip mining and legalized looting is destroying the integrity of democratic institutions. They run some reruns on You Tube under CoasttoCoast Official
I think it's somewhat funny, and very ironic, that individuals investing in the stock market expect a great ROI no matter what.

But they are then upset at how the companies are treating employees and customers. Oh, and why the CEO gets paid so much.

The CEO makes that much because he can figure out the most efficient way of squeezing every dollar into profit right now for the shareholders, large and small, like the individual investor. This keeps investors investing their money into something that's making them money.

Long growth strategies are yesterdays news. Long term is great until the shareholders want results today. Then it's a reshuffle of strategy, whatever it takes. Or the company gets bought by an inferior company that is worth more because they do all the go go profit squeezing.

Looks bad on the news. People getting laid off. Gnashing of teeth. People are outraged.

And then they go online to see how their stocks are doing. Whew, thankfully I'm smart and I'm making money there...
^^^I think Mexican Walmart might be the way to go as all those immigrants passing through will need to resupply to continue! Sort of like my Training Sargent in military basic training buying anyone life insurance that didn’t want it and paying them $10 to be the beneficiary. He also had stock in arms, uniform and helicopter manufacturing companies. He said it was okay to sleep through training if we wanted. Lol!!!

The "right" fanatics are preparing for a civil war. They believe that the "communist left" fanatics are cramming a bunch of things down their throats that they don't want, and they are getting close to the breaking point. The lefty fanatics believe that they should be free to angrily shame, cancel, and censor anyone based on their perception of morality, and pass laws in support of their ideologies. And if you don't like it, you are evil. The "right" are mostly religious, and have their own ideas about morality, which are not going to change in a hurry. And these are things they will fight about violently if pushed... and they have all the guns.

For me, the real difference between the sides here vs. the std. "bothsider-ism" stance in the media is that for the extreme MAGA right, "cramming a bunch of things down their throats that they don't want" is just their coded language for "people I don't like who just want to exist in the world." Will leftists verbally criticize rightwing positions ? Sure. Freedom of speech and all that, which works in all directions. But I have never met any leftist that constantly fantasizes about shooting MAGAts, throwing them in re-education camps, starting civil wars, etc...
Most nights I listen to CoasttoCoastAm which has 2 2 hour shows. The 1st tonight starts in 10 min is
First Half: Les Leopold is a graduate of Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs. He'll discuss how corporations in the US have used mass layoffs and stock buybacks to enrich shareholders at the expense of employees and how the impact of this financial strip mining and legalized looting is destroying the integrity of democratic institutions. They run some reruns on You Tube under CoasttoCoast Official
Actual History
As the first Southerner to ascend to the Presidency since before the Civil War, Wilson brought with him a segregationist ideology and sympathy for the “Lost Cause” narrative. With segregation laws becoming more entrenched across the South —and segregation in northern states bolstered by redlining—Wilson gave his newly appointed cabinet the permission to segregate their departments. As historian Eric Yellin explains, segregation did not simply separate Black and white workers in the federal government, it halted Black professional advancement and restricted hiring in the desirable positions for which these men and women were qualified having passed the requisite civil service exams.
SLB_SA, Accuracy is Very Important! You need to read my post slower as " Les Leopold is a graduate of Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs" is just where Les Leopold went to school. The show had nothing to do with Woodrow Wilson.
But I have never met any leftist that constantly fantasizes about shooting MAGAts, throwing them in re-education camps, starting civil wars, etc...
There is certainly plenty of vile vitriol and hatred against them. Generally the leftist loonies want to work through the government, laws, education, and media to get their way. They dislike guns and do not tend to be physically violent. But they do believe in pushing their ideologies on others. Very much an "us vs them" attitude...
There is certainly plenty of vile vitriol and hatred against them. Generally the leftist loonies want to work through the government, laws, education, and media to get their way. They dislike guns and do not tend to be physically violent. But they do believe in pushing their ideologies on others. Very much an "us vs them" attitude...
Both extreme sides are full of morons and blowhards. And I wish for nothing more than to put them all on an island and meet them work it out without having to hear about them.