Alternative to using fresh potatoes

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Well-known member
Aug 7, 2011
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Here in Florida the Save-a-lot gets $4.49 for 5 pounds of potatoes.
So in order to not be a part of this highway robbery I use a $1 box of potato flakes from the Dollar Tree for my morning hash browns. I get 5-6 servings per each box.
It’s not environmentally to correct to dump the grease on the ground from the 2-3 strips of bacon I consume in the morning.
So before I put the bacon on the stove I put diced onion and green peppers, salt, butter/margarine/oil, and enough water to the level of one cup in a two-cup saucepan and bring this mixture to a boil.
As the bacon is frying I add the above mixture to the potato flakes omitting the milk and then it hits the pan with the hot bacon grease.
Sounds good! Like the use of the bacon grease ,just nothing like BACON! I know its not potatoes but I fry up some bacon cut into bite sized pieces with some chopped onion then when the bacon is crisped up add some cooked(leftover) brown rice and after its warmed up add a couple of eggs and scramble it all togather and I like soy sauce on it. Can't believe the price for potatoes !? Highway robbery for sure. Great idea on the instant potatoes;Thank you!
Dehydrated potatoes are great! When I was really short on money I'd mix water, flakes, the contents of a vienna sausage can including the "juice", and some olive oil. I'd also use it to thicken up canned soups sometimes. I've moved on to slightly healthier mixes now but the flakes still make an appearance.

All you have to do is heat it up, unlike potatoes which take a lot of time and fuel to cook.
While I mainly eat rice and yams in lieu of potatoes, I have found 'Ore-Ida' potato flakes to be just as good as fresh mashed.
Mr.LooRead said:
It’s not environmentally to correct to dump the grease on the ground from the 2-3 strips of bacon I consume in the morning.
Why is that?  I always figured it was from an animal, insects and microbes would break it down.  I always dumped it in the flower garden so as to not clog the drains in the house.
Dumping oil and grease? You are throwing away money. Save it and reuse it. Our elderly farm-raised parents and grand parents did that. Little was wasted. I have also filtered used cooking oil and used it in an oil lamp.

On a larger scale, some make their own bio-diesel from it.
Another alternative to potatoes is shredded or mashed cauliflower.
Matt71 said:
Another alternative to potatoes is shredded or mashed cauliflower.

No...No it's Will have to give that a try, do you use gravy?
Cry said:
No...No it's Will have to give that a try, do you use gravy?

No, just a little butter.
Shredded cauliflower is more a substitute for rice.
Cauliflower........ YUCK! I have just gotten to where I can eat broccoli without slathering it in cheese. :)

I do like the instant mashed taters. My elderly Mom has begun using them, as it is too much for her to make it with rear taters these days. I can't tell the difference in taste, but I also was raised on instant grits and oatmeal. I am not a food snob.
Cry said:
No...No it's Will have to give that a try, do you use gravy?

Yes, you can use gravy.

Actually, you can use mashed cauliflower in any way you would use mashed potatoes.

Yes, they taste different. But the carb count and the glycemic index is so much lower that for those of us who constantly battle our carb counts, they are totally worth it.

I also substitute roasted cauliflower for a starch vegetable at as many meals as I can.
DW is on a low carb diet and even used cauliflower as a replacement for the potato in potato salad. Well I guess I can't call it potato salad anymore.
Also on side note she has been using spaghetti squash as a replacement for the high carb pasta. It actually has more flavor than the pasta spaghetti.
Oh yea, she lost 20 lbs. Not a bad trade off.

Dumping grease is a waste. It rarely goes bad and can be used firm any things. I think people even mix it with bird seed to feed the birds ( can't remember what it is called, it actually has a name ). I would use it as cooking oil myself but to each his own.
potatoes take freeze drying or dehydrating very well. I use them all the time. ore-ida is a very good brand imho. all the years we grew cauliflower on the farm and I never could acquire a taste for it. another use for grease is fire starter. ps don't let Mr. Ranger catch you dumping grease on the ground. highdesertranger
If you dump grease on the ground just do it far away from where you are camping.  Grease on the ground will attract possums, coons, cats, dogs, rats, mice, and bears. 
Coolmom42. Isn't that natures way of eliminating people that dump "stuff" on the ground? :)
For those of us suffering from Type Two Diabetes (borderline in my case, fortunately), all white starchy foods are to be used in great moderation. Potatoes, White Rice, etc. I use brown rice and sweet potatoes a lot. Doesn't spike the blood sugar nearly as much.
LeeRevell said:
For those of us suffering from Type Two Diabetes (borderline in my case, fortunately), all white starchy foods are to be used in great moderation.  Potatoes, White Rice, etc.  I use brown rice and sweet potatoes a lot.  Doesn't spike the blood sugar nearly as much.

Ditto on that ,unfortunately my t2 is at this time pill and insulin dependant. I find high protein and lo to no carbs keeps my blood sugars better but I've found stress affects my diabeties more than diet does.Hard to give up the white foods but I found a recipe online for Sweet potato Salad using smoked paprika in it.
gramakittycat said:
Ditto on that ,unfortunately my t2 is at this time pill and insulin dependant. I find high protein and lo to no carbs keeps my blood sugars better but I've found stress affects my diabeties more than diet does.Hard to give up the white foods but I found a recipe online for Sweet potato Salad using smoked paprika in it.

Please share.

No diabetes but work hard at keeping my carb count down.

I use a lot of sweet potato as an alternative to white potatoes and while I'm not totally wheat free, I'm extremely conscious of every drop of wheat I consume.