after the RTR

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Apr 4, 2012
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so what did you do after the RTR.

Clint and Darlene made a short little video of our prospecting trip.  Timmy,  Alex the newfie,  Clint and Darlene, and I went up by Lake Mead to do a little prospecting.  found a little gold,  I mean a little.  we left earlier than I wanted because the weather kicked our butts.  well to be totally honest I got my butt kicked as the all had trailers.  prompted me to get my butt in gear and get a trailer.  anyhow here's a link to the video,

it's to bad too,  because as soon as we found a good spot we had to bug out.  next year we will get it.

give them a thumbs up,  they are great people.

I was in dirtville around the same time. It was hella cold!
That looks like a great time HDR. Is that an Avion they have?

Are you back in CA?
We have been south of Three Points in Arizona in the truck camper and tent but but after several inches of snow twice in the last month my wife and I finally bought a roomy trailer, still boondocking but with wind proof space we are now spoiled and of course the good weather is here. One of the locals keeps telling me I need to look at the little wash with all the little water falls beside where I'm camped as there's gold in these hills!
Cammalu yes that is a Avion, it's a beautiful little trailer. Clint did an axle under spring mod after that video and it sits a little higher now. yes I am back to work in CA.

Cyndi where is dirtville?

bullfrog is that the Three Points south of Tucson. I hear you on the trailer I have been looking the last week, talk about sticker shock.

I made a brief dash to the ocean, came back to the desert to avoid one of the storms, then went back to the ocean for an excellent week at the beach before the next big storm hit. I've been hanging around Yuma and the far southeast corner of California since then. It has finally warmed up enough to head elsewhere.
HDR, Dirtville is really Dolan springs. About 5 mles off 93, 1/2way between Kingman and the Hoover dam.
HDR, I wish I could have gone but I had solar systems calling my name. I am still in La Posa south now.
Thanks Cyndi I had a feeling it was Dolan Springs the name just fits. drove through it a few times.

Jim everyone missed you. Buck was bummed when you weren't with us but everyone understands that you got to do what you have to do. be sure to let us know when you head north.

Those Avions were built like tanks. They are heads and heels above an Airstream in quality. Went belly up as they didn’t have the mastermind marketer Wally Byam as Airstream did.
That video is awesome. I'm glad to find their channel as well. I'm already looking forward to next year.

The Mesa, Phoenix area is a good place to look for used RV rigs. About now things are on sale and cheaper.
Thanks for posting the video HDR. It was a blast even with the storm. Clint is looking for good gold spots and commenting on the presence of black sand on every hike now. The Avion is a 1960 S21. She is built like a tank and still in great shape for her age!
1960? Woo hoo Darlene that early enough so you could still shine that baby up. I wouldn’t though as then you might feel the need to keep doing it [emoji16]
"Missed you Jim! Wish you could have been with us!"

yep, another shovel person would have been nice. LOL.

seriously though we did miss you and Max. I am going to have to buy a bigger dry-washer. I had to keep slowing the person feeding it down as the dry-washer was overloading.

great group we had with everyone pitching in.

:Dhi what did i do after rtr stayed to clean up and worked with all the volunteers it was a great time and learned a lot glad to have meet bob wells and his crew of help .I left the event went north to the Escapees Boot camp in Congress AZ great event and well worth the cost and hats off to the north ranch campground I have left AZ and am on the way east along the southern border will look forward to next year adventures :heart: :cool:
Sorry about taking so long to reply, we are at Caballo Loco Ranch ten miles south of Three Points, Arizona and 8 miles in on a dirt road just in the foot hills of the mountain range East of Green Valley Arizona. 99 % of the vehicles you pass on the way here are Border Patrol and we were followed by an A10 aircraft assisting them the other day, being 30 some miles from the border you can expect that. I've been told one of my neighbors owns the claim to the Sunshine mine near by but I almost drove into an old shaft topping a hill the other day so I haven't been to excited to intentially find another one yet. Must be several shafts here as I keep finding the little white skull and cross bones warning sign the used to put up years ago.
I've seen a few of your posts relating to prospecting.  Over time, has prospecting ever meant anything to you, outside of the fun/educational factor? 

Forgive me, but perhaps of course i am asking along monetary lines.  Nobody likes to go in the hole for anything.  But what draws you to this endeavor if it really is such a pointless long-shot?
it's Mother Natures lotto. you never know. sure most of the time you don't find much but every once in awhile you do. you just never know.

you said nobody likes to go in the hole for anything. I disagree, people go into he hole all the time with their hobbies. hobbies that have no or very little chance for a return. at least with me I always find gold. even if it's only a little it adds up and the times I find more than a little has bought most of my equipment so I am really not all that much "in the hole".

what do you do to pass time(hobby)? ever made any money with it? with prospecting it keeps me in good shape(no need to go to the gym), keeps me outside in beautiful country and fresh air, sitting inside my vehicle all day playing video games, reading books, or doing whatever would drive me nuts. I could go on and on but, I think you get the idea.

HDR I think it’s very cool what you do. Please invite John and me to come along sometime.

Also, since you aren’t a rockhounder, if you see any particularly good rockhounding spots send the coordinates my way. I’ve been having a lot of fun picking up rocks but don’t really know anything about it.

We had to bring a big pretty one back to YARC camp.

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