Actually, I'm not from around here...

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Escape Pod Pilot

New member
Dec 17, 2017
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I was seduced by a glossy brochure promising exciting employment opportunities exploring idyllic blue-green worlds and studying the peaceful, compassionate inhabitants. I'd planned for the money earned from this temp job to allow me to return to my preferred occupation as an inter-galactic space gypsy.

It wasn't long before I realized the brochure's description had been somewhat misleading. 

While this planet is truly a blue-green paradise, I've found that many of the most advanced species living here have resigned themselves to spend unhappy lives traveling through windowless gray corridors, unaware of the joy that lies beyond. Many were neither peaceful or compassionate.

Study of the dominate life-form on this planet has often left me confused and concerned. Sadly, the loyalty, selflessness, and non-judgmental welcome I'd hope to find in humans, I've found to be more common in lesser life-forms routinely abused by humans for pleasure or for profit. 

I suspect that I was sent here by mistake, and believe it will be impossible for me to fulfill the commitments of my employment. Therefore, I have begun construction of a transport vehicle – an “Escape Pod”, to enable my early departure.

Cleverly, I've designed my Escape Pod to look exactly like a 2008 Pleasure-Way Lexor Class B recreational vehicle. While I continue to modify the vehicle for interstellar travel, no one will ever by able to guess its real purpose (other than those, of course, who take the time to phonetically read my California vanity license plate, which says, basically, “Escape Pod”).

Co-incident to building my “RV”, I discovered the website CheapRVLiving. While originally interested in information about modifications of vehicles similar to my own (although, presumably, not for the same purpose), I've found the the perspective common here to be what I'd hoped to find when I arrived on this planet. Here are people who have chosen, or been forced, to explore beyond their windowless gray corridors. People bonded by their independence and their resilience. People with pets.

I hope to meet a few of you at the Rubber Tramp Rendezvous next month. I'm particularly interested in talking to someone with experience in converting a General Motors Vortec internal combustion engine into an antimatter fueled propulsion source.

I also might need a solar panel. 

See you soon,

Escape Pod Pilot
Dog is my co-pilot (but she only gets to steer if I've been drinking)

I'll bring fruit.
Andromeda or the Andromeda strain?
Slingshot past Orion much?
You can't fool me-us...
Worf, escort this alien to his secure cabin in the meantime until we check out his credentials.
Welcome to the CRVL forums Escape Pod Pilot! As you've noticed we don't much like windowless gray corridors around here but most of us haven't been off the planet yet. :-D

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.
Welcome to the CRVL tribe !
You have an interesting view from your pilot seat.
Come and read the You Ain't Right Club thread and find more of this type of stuff..............
You may find more than that if you read enough !
Welcome to the place life slows down.

In my honest opinion ( IMHO)
 for those addicted to acronyms,


You will fit in here just fine.
You need to go over to the YARC thread where you belong

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EPP:   :s  

You were not supposed to break cover. To keep from being collected and housed with the other failed researchers, you must quickly earn the label that will make the hunters confused. You must join us in the YARC and be forever free.  :D
I keep seeing this Yarc thread I don't know what it is or how to get to it

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Escape Pod Pilot said:
 I'm particularly interested in talking to someone with experience in converting a General Motors Vortec internal combustion engine into an antimatter fueled propulsion source.

I found that to be waaay too difficult to build due to a shortage of antimatter containment field generators here at the local Chevy parts house. I need at least four and they only had one, with three on permanent backorder. 

So I'm working on something easier: a stable inter-dimensional trans-galactic wormhole with a Starbucks Franchise at each end. 

Wish me luck.
tx2sturgis said:
I found that to be waaay too difficult to build due to a ...

You just need to reverse the polarity of the neutron flow to the Turbo Encabulator.

and welcome- EscPP
Sorry I can't help; ... I stopped looking when I accidentally found by connecting the flux capacitor backwards in my Delorean that it worked for efficient intergalatic travel as well as the conventional time travel when connected correctly.