"Vandwelling" covers a huge range of actual living conditions. From being in a spacious RV with all the amenities, to living in a compact car with the barest necessities. To moving with the seasons so the climate is always great, to planting in one spot and dealing with horrendous weather. Being in town vs in the boonies far from humans... etc. The important part is putting together a rig and living situation that works for you, to the best of your ability. Why are you doing this? What is the appeal? What are you escaping, and what is drawing you? What is important to you and what isn't? And then try it out... for months, then years. Only then will you really know.
For instance... I like a spartan rig. This isn't because I'm $ limited, it's what I prefer. Simple. Offroad capability and durability are important. I move with the seasons and usually camp where there are no people for miles, so I do everything outside except for rare rainy days. I'm not stuck in a tiny box; rather I live in a vast and beautiful landscape like I wouldn't be able to own unless I was a billionaire. I don't poop in a bucket... I poop outside. I can shower every day if I want, but I don't. The less you bathe the less you need to bathe, because our bodies are not designed to be "cleaned" all the time! When I do bathe, it only takes a gallon of water or two, heated by the sun.
A two week trip is a vacation, not a way of life. A couple years ago when my now ex-wife "decided" that she wanted ditch all the crap she'd accumulated and go vagabonding (she knew I'd love it!), we took a little test trip. She enjoyed it quite a bit. I asked her, "Now string 100 of these trips together, would you still like it?" Her immediate response was that she'd be dead! "No, that's only 4 years"... and she got a pained look on her face. I think she knew she was not ready.
For me it was important to get to the point of "no plans". Nothing to do, nothing to think about, nothing to be. That's where freedom lies. Freedom from your self...
Everybody's got a different trip going on, which is why it isn't going to be contained by a simple list of rules. But it is an interesting topic to ponder and discuss!