A note of caution for dog owners!

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thanks Hippiechk. although I don't normally give my dog peanut butter it's good to know. why do they put this crap in food anyway. highdesertranger
Good info, thank you. I use only the natural peanut butter, the one where the oil separates. My dogs might get a little on a cracker, but nothing more. I don't eat any of the "fake" sugars myself either, so am always watching labels.
highdesertranger said:
why do they put this crap in food anyway.

So they can advertise 'low sugar'.

I only use PB to administer meds.

 -- Spiff
Wow, Thank you for the heads up. 

 Peanut butter is one of my on the road foods and I always share what I eat with Tiger.
At Whole Foods you can take the peanuts and put them right into the machine that turns it into peanut butter. 100% peanuts go in, 100%peanuts come out. If you're buying it and there isn't oil on the top of the container that you have to mix back in, then it's not real peanut butter
There are a few brands that are just peanuts: no salt, no sugar. Laura Scudder is one. Krema (from Fry's) is another. I think the Scudder came from Safeway, both in southern Arizona. There's probably others, but you do have to look for them. Jif and Skippy's ain't it! :D
Great! I've been feeding Suki her antibiotics with jif...

Thanks hippychk

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JoRow said:
Great! I've been feeding Suki her antibiotics with jif...

Thanks hippychk

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Jif is fine for now! It's got some sugar but do watch for them to switch.

Timex adores peanut butter & likes the sweet stuff but I will make sure to check from here on in!
That was news to me, too. So I looked around online...

From a vet news website, dated 7-15-15: "Xylitol now found in certain peanut and nut butters": http://veterinarynews.dvm360.com/xylitol-now-found-certain-peanut-and-nut-butters

At that time (a year ago), there were only three brands of PB containing it: Nuts 'More, Krush Nutrition, & P-28 Foods.

Xylitol: Not as Sweet As It’s Cracked Up to Be: http://www.thehealthyhomeeconomist.com/xylitol-not-as-sweet-as-its-cracked-up-to-be/

Two pieces of xylitol-sweetened gum will kill a rat. Rats are what scientists use to test things on to 'prove' safety for humans, right?

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