My name is Nina & I've bought a 2002 Chrysler 1500 Conversion Van with Starcraft RV features. Photos are attached.
As I prepare it, I would so appreciate the advice of anyone who is experienced in the least expensive & non-hazardous products to use.
My biggest question is the 2nd battery idea I've heard about:
How does that work?
Where does an inverter enter into that scenario?
I have a cedar trunk. Can I use that as my battery/converter box, plus storage of other things, or does it need to be a dedicated box?
And, how in the world do I hook it up, what products do I need to buy & being a non-industrial woman, what approximately does it cost to have it installed?
Is there a way that you would recommend that is a better way to get electric into my Van? I'd like to go solar, but not until I'm sure this is the Van I want to use long-term.
I am completely lost in "Female World" regarding this, so I'd love & appreciate some advice.
Also, I'm looking to buy:
A non-electric A/C (for Florida)
A heater I can safely use in the van ( for Canada) Is kerosene safe?
Should I buy a fire & carbon monoxide detector?
A flushable portable toilet
Environmentally friendly all-purpose wipes, soaps, etc. so I don't contaminate the waters
A cooker I can safely use in the Van
Please explain to me the reason I need a vent, or do I not need one? Type & Installation advice?
Please help me figure out a sink. There are so many
Is it legal to block out some windows to use for wall space, & if so, which ones?
From looking at the inside, can you see any ways of providing storage toward the ceiling?
What's the best way to find wi-fi & still be as self-contained as possible? (I'm a student)
Are there any other observations & advice you think might be helpful to a woman stepping out into Van Dwelling for the 1st time?
I would be so appreciative for any ideas you have for any one of these questions.
I am looking forward to Vanning, & looking forward to meeting some of you at Meet-ups, etc. Where is the social life for us?