A failed experiment... possibly

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I can relate to your plans changing but don't stop planning and Never, Never give up hope. I wish you the best and maybe see you out here sometime, Rob
I hope you can eventually follow your dream.
Who knows ,while on a road trip you just may find the perfect place !
Everybody has one , you just have to find it.
We almost got caught up in the "well, if we buy then we have an investment, lets buy this condo" moment when we were in IL last week. Thankfully good sense prevailed and we rented an apartment to give ourselves time to decide. WHEW, close one!
Glad that the path is clear. Lifestyle choices are kind of like "kissing a few frogs before you find a prince". Both being on the same page is always a huge plus. We were in SE AL and the "dust" from the peanut processing, oh my gosh!

Sending you both good luck in IL.
Thanks, SG. It's been a rocky year and a half, but the good thing is the lessons we've learned; stop trying to plan everything and just be. Sit with things a while and follow the path that offers us the best chance at being happy and free. Really not sure if buying a house again is in the cards, although we do have to have Illinois residency for our retiree healthcare, we don't have to have a sticks and bricks and all the accompanying crap along with it, unless we find a place that feels right, then we might consider it.