A Day In The Life

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Well-known member
Mar 24, 2016
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I started out Thursday morning with a dead battery in my truck, it had run and started fine the night before and nothing was left on. I called my mechanic and he said it was likely just a bad battery and he had a cheap replacement for it. I needed an oil change anyway so I use the porta start thing I bought at Harbor Freight (best 40 dollars I've spent in a while) got 'er cranked up and off I go. Truck runs fine until I get the merge of two major highways where two lanes become four and I have to go from far left lane to the slow lane in about a mile to stay On course. I turn on my blinker and move the steering wheel right and realize engine has died. I still have three lanes of traffic to cross before there is a shoulder and the speed limit is 70. 70 in Texas means 80 so I sort of close my eyes and head for a small gap in the next lane. I am down to about 30 now and am being told I am number one by the fine, courteous folks passing by. 

This is where a trucker, all 18 wheels of him, realizes what is going on and BLOCKS 2 lanes and allows me to make the shoulder. I was not able to get his trucking company or I would have called and offered to buy the guy a steak dinner. 

I call my mechanic who calls his tow truck service and 45 minutes later I am rescued. 

In my ignorance I thought that if the alternator was working the battery was bypassed and all was good. Nope. It seems my battery had a short and was not letting the volts from the alternator to run the engine. I'm sure many of the mechanical types here know these things but sadly I didn't.

So a hundred for the tow, eighty five for the battery and my mechanic won't take a dime. I tried to pay at least his minimum fee but he said "no". 

Autoworxx in Mansfield Tx if anyone wants an honest mechanic.

I make it home and as I was backing into my parking spot I am met by two of my neighbors telling me the cops want to talk to me. They said there were three cop cars and several cops checking out my Polaris from stem to stern. They hand me a business card from the , and I quote "Tarrant Regional Auto Crimes Task Force". On the card it is handwritten 'call asap'. This is before I even unlock my apt door. The message light on the room phone is blinking and I find out the cops had talked to them about the ATV and ME. 

I call this investigator and tell him who I am and then get a five minute lecture about how I am inviting a thief to steal my ATV. It's been a shitty day anyway and I detest being lectured. I told him I have it alarmed, a security camera pointed at it and gun. He tells me the neighbors had already told him about when I saw two grown people climbing in and out of it and one took a picture, Grabbed my Sig and met them outside. I never pointed it but I made sure they saw it and one told me I didn't need "that".
Haven't seen them since.

The best part of the day was forum member Vacilador and his son showed up in time for a late dinner.  He's good people and will be at RTR. 

I hope everyone has a Prosperous and Happy 2017...Rob
Gunny, you're like a walking miracle. There's no doubt in my mind that you have left the door open for good karma to find you!
"Every meal is a feast and every day is a holiday!"

SNAFU (Situation Normal, All F'd Up), FUBAR (F'd Up Beyond Any Repair.)

In the 1994 movie Forrest Gump, Forrest runs into dog droppings and a man in the bumper sticker business brings it to his attention. Forrest says "It happens," to which the man asks "What, shit?" and Forrest answers "Sometimes."

So now that yesterday is gone and you are still somewhat sane....after a night of partying and revelry....when you step outside after midnight and see your shadow realize that you still will have 365 days of life's bovine excrement to look forward too and deal with.

Rob, it sounds like you had both a harrowing and yet also good day. It made my heart warm to read the way the truck driver and the mechanic helped you. I'm so happy to hear about good people helping their fellow man.
Thanks for sharing.
:huh:  Hey Gunny it sounds like you had what I call a "AND THE HITS JUST COMING" day.  Well you survived it and it's another day.  Don't you wonder which neighbor or maybe one of the looky lou's called LEOs about your quick and armed response to trespassers on your ATV?

  I love Texas and am horribly homesick however the safest I've ever felt was in Hurley SD and Cloverport KY. Both very small towns with no red lights and very little traffic and very little crime.   Also COLD in the winter time.  I'm not doing cold no more!   
Now if you had a regular motorcycle you could park it in your apt. living room. Hey it worked in East Dallas in the late '60s.   :)

Stay Safe

Jewellann, I think the cops drive thru the apartments and motels around here with a plate reader looking for stolen cars. The ATV doesn't have a plate but it is registered thru DMV, that's why I don't get why they hung around so long and checked me out with the office. May have been because the neighbor told them I went out with a pistol, who knows?

When and if you get close to the Dallas Ft worth area let me know, several decent restaurants nearby and the meal is on me.
