9 months and a big fat white van finished!

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Well-known member
Dec 18, 2016
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Finally! We never would have dreamed that it would have taken so long to take an empty cargo van (Nissan NV 3500) and make it a home.  Of course, we weren't going to be happy unless we did it "right ".  But between stealth camping in two vans and years of tent camping, we were pretty sure of how we wanted the conversion finished. We thought it would take three or four months, tops. My four pregnancies were easier than this. 

Now we just have to empty the house, clean it up, inside and out,  do some drywall, paint and replace the carpet in two rooms.  As soon as the house is listed, #4 will live here and take care of it. Then we're out of here.  It sounds so easy, but it feels like it'll never happen.  We were hoping to get out before the 100°+, but didn't make it. 

But if you had told me a year ago what we would now be doing, I would have said that you were a nutcase.   A year ago, I was living in a house in which I assumed I would grow old and die. That's not such an awful thing, but oh, our travels will be so much more fun! 
But is it ever really "finished"? lol, like a house, there's always something to tweak, to add, to improve.
Enjoy the ride :)
Congrats on getting it finished up. It's a good thing you didn't rush it, having a preemie on the road is no fun. ;)
Congrats, and I'm with the we wanna see pictures crowd.  :D
This is the only one I could find easily
We added another 165 watt panel since this was taken, also a new window on the sliding door. I'll get more fotos next time w we take her out.


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Congrats!  However, as you have read, without pictures (many, many) it's just a "teaser" post...  :)
Congrats! So happy for you. When you talked about your pregnancies I couldn't help but notice the irony in the 9 months conversion time frame (birthing another baby)

You certainly are in the home stretch! I can't imagine how excited you must be. You sound life a 2 1/2-year-flash-forward version of me. I've also lived thru 4 pregnancies (in 6yrs....those years were a blur) and am planning on departing the empty nest and skedaddling as soon as #4 is settled in with her somewhat "adult" life. 

Would love to see some interior shots of your conversion.
My hubby and I are (hopefully) just days from buying a NV2500.  I am very glad to see that high window over your sliding door. We are thinking to put that up where you did, plus a vented window in the slider. Is that a CL Laurence window? Your adventure sounds like a good one. Enjoy, but first, please  . . . post a few more teaser shots? TurtleLady

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