4.5# propane tank vs 1# green bottles

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Well-known member
Nov 25, 2015
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would it be worth it to buy a 4.5# refillable propane tank $61  , or just keep using the 1# disposables.
I already have a hose.
Wouldn't have to swap a tank as often .
Im wondering how long it would take to pay off considering the propane would be cheaper to refill , however $61 is a lot of money
We use one of those and are happy with the savings, as well as the easy to stow factor.
Got ours at Ace for $52 over a year ago...now it costs less than 1 greenie to fill and I love the savings.
Dern shame they are so much more expensive than a 20# tho :(
Ummmm.... secret code word.... greenie.... unsure what this means. Do you make your own or are these a foreign version ?
bindi&us said:
We use one of those and are happy with the savings, as well as the easy to stow factor.

Bindi, Jay or Margie,

What do you use propane for and how long does 5# last?

-- Spiff
Greenie = green propane cans, like from Walmart.

Spiff...been using the 5# one on our Buddy heater and it goes about a week. (I like it warm inside).
During summer, we'll switch it to the cook stove. Should go a couple months or so.
Usually pay $2.50 or less for propane.
Pounds (lbs.) makes more sense than numbers (#).  
I use many green one pounders each winter though I do have a few 20 lb. bottles.  The one lb. bottles are more convenient for my usage.
I have two 5 pounders and they last a long time if only used for cooking, I have one hooked up to my heater and one for my stove I am considering getting a 20 lb bottle for my heater, on the heater the 5lbs last 28 to 30 hrs. I got one of mine for free and paid to get recertified and the other I bought off the recertifier which was also used. I repainted them.
Bob Wells did a blog post all about this (which I can't find because the search engine is poor), breaking down the costs/benefits. Basically, the green bottles are much more expensive in the long run.

I have a 5 gal/20# tank. If ever I'm not handy to someplace I can get it refilled, I can use one of those place where you swap tanks. I also carry a couple of green bottles in case (surprise) I run out.
Mobilesport said:
would it be worth it to buy a 4.5# refillable propane tank $61  , or just keep using the 1# disposables.
I already have a hose.
Wouldn't have to swap a tank as often .
Im wondering how long it would take to pay off considering the propane would be cheaper to refill , however $61 is a lot of money

Currently the 1# green canister is pushing $3.00 in my area.  My small Mr Heater can use up one in about 6 hrs of continued use.  That's 3-4 bottles per day.
My 20# bottle currently costs $15.00 to refill.
I too like the small bottles for convenience but the cost long term is just too much for my wallet to bear.  The good news is that, with the refill adapter, you can refill the small green canisters from the 20# bottle.
I don't know the cost of refilling a 4.5# tank but I'm guessing it would be cheaper than buying 1# canisters.
Spaceman Spiff said:
Correct usage of number sign # (AKA hash, pound sign):

Number One = #1
5 Pounds = 5#

I use the hash as a shorthand for pounds avoirdupois.  i didn't realize that some are unaware of that usage.  Sorry  :blush:


-- Spiff

I guess older folks don't use the number sign (hash mark.....  sounds dirty)  as a quantity.  Classic English usage does not support it.
As to the actual bottles the 20lb. bottles are much cheaper to fill, granted.  The one pounders can be as high as four and a half bucks apiece here.  But there are times they are the only viable alternative so I use them.  The twenty pounders are used elsewhere.  I even have a forty pounder for outdoor use.
Lots of us OLDER folks use the number sign, or the Old Cat symbol as it used to be called, as a sign of measure but not always as the youth of today would like. We just wait for them to correct our grammar and put us in our proper place. Just a sign of the ever changing times.
Yo can routinely fill a bulk bottle for $2.50 to $3.00 a gallon. That's cheap!!

If you get your green bottles at Walmart for $2.75 each, that's about $11.25 for a gallon (4.1 pounds).

However, if you are away from Walmart they will be at least $4 a green bottle which is $16.40 a gallon.

If you are far away from Walmart you WILL have to pay $6.00 for them which is $24.60 a gallon.

So to me it's no brainier, I'm not going to pay $24 for a gallon for the convenience of the cool little bottles--which have a propensity to leak.

You'll pay for the cost of the 1 gallon bottle after you use 3 gallons which is 13 of the green bottles. After that it's just money in your pocket!!!
I couldn't agree with Bob more. go bulk, and keep a couple of the 1 pounders around for emergency use. highdesertranger
MrNoodly said:
Bob Wells did a blog post all about this (which I can't find because the search engine is poor), breaking down the costs/benefits. Basically, the green bottles are much more expensive in the long run.

I have a 5 gal/20# tank. If ever I'm not handy to someplace I can get it refilled, I can use one of those place where you swap tanks. I also carry a couple of green bottles in case (surprise) I run out.

Be carefull with those tank exchange places. I exchanged a few tanks, the tanks I received were not certified so Flying J would not refill them! No certification date stamped on them! I had to get them certified at $16 each.
never exchange tanks. it's a rip off. buy your tanks and get them refilled. highdesertranger
bindi&us said:
Usually pay $2.50 or less for propane.

Yikes, I can't wait to get to the lower 48 and start saving money!  Propane here is $5.69 a gal. on the Hilo side.  
I want to eat a peach too, you know the kind that is ripened on a tree and runs down your chin?  Hard, tasteless fruit here except for the bananas, pineapples,mulberries and papayas from the garden. But I sure do miss a good peach, strawberry, cherry or pear.  :huh:  I forgot to eat today. sorry, off topic. But I can't believe we pay twice as much for fuel and food here.
Thanks for thread I was wondering all this too. What might happenen if got in car wreck with propane in vehicle? Good day to all :)