"200 watts" of solar doesn't seem to generate anywhere near 200W, is this just normal

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I've got four 100 watt panels on the roof of my trailer, fed into 3 deep cycle flooded 12 volt batteries via a 20 amp MPPT controller that I bought on Amazon as a kit. (approximately $500) Batteries were an additional $200. Cables and clamps, water proofing, screws and so on were about another $50.
Runs my fridge, coffee pot and microwave via a 2500 watt pure sign wave inverter ($300).
My computer and lighting don't seem to faze my power needs worth mentioning.
Had some cloudy days with rain which slowed things down a bit but I do have a 900 watt gas gen just in case. Not used yet.
Batteries are fully changed before noon most days.
I can say that air conditioning is out of the question but I am getting by although a bit uncomfortable at times.
I use a charcoal grill a lot but at times I get lazy and just Nuuk something when I'm not in the mood to get the stuff out or am just in a hurry which is most of the time.
Sitting in my chair outside and letting the panels do the work suits me just fine. I try not to over think things these days.
I did splurge the other week and bought a gallon the distilled water for the batteries. Not needed yet.
As far and keeping clean, I just don't worry too much about it, I just keep my arms down at my sides and stay away from other people and down wind from groups. No one seems to mind, I certainly don't. When it gets to where I can't stand myself any longer, I find a crick (creek to you northern folks), and just take my chances with being nekkid for a bit behind some bushes, Or not. If they don't like nekkid old men, Don't look. I don't! Yuck!
Good afternoon all

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