Well, I did it.. tore out the WAECO CR-50 fridge I had in my camper, and it's back to my WAECO CF-50 chest style cooler. Dunno, suppose I'm just too used to freezing everything solid and like my beer to be less than 5 deg/C. Gonna do something different this time tho. My sister picked up a coupla styrofoam coolers (which they throw away) from work for me. They use these for transporting medical samples 'n stuff, and they're nice thick skookum units. <br> Willy's wily plan is to freeze those gel-paks in my freezer, then throw them into the cooler to keep other stuff merely 'cool'. I gave one to my buddy in the Okanagan, and he claims that his ice lasts 2-3 times longer than with the store bought coolers.. and it's the best price of all: FREE!!! <br><img rel="lightbox" src="/file?id=1622440" class="shrinkToFit decoded bbc_img" alt="https://vanlivingforum.com/file?id=1622440"><br> As you can see, it's already correctly labeled for beer storage!<br><img rel="lightbox" src="/file?id=1622441" class="shrinkToFit decoded bbc_img" alt="https://vanlivingforum.com/file?id=1622441"><br> See how thick it is?<br><img rel="lightbox" src="/file?id=1622442" class="shrinkToFit decoded bbc_img" alt="https://vanlivingforum.com/file?id=1622442"><br> And there ya go! All ready for some hard core camping. ..Willy.