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  1. Cathead

    Woman's Forum: Walmart incident

    That's a good idea about the bow saw!
  2. Cathead

    WOMEN ONLY "The Rock Test"

    Sounds like good defensive driving!
  3. Cathead

    WOMEN ONLY "The Rock Test"

    I think maybe some folks don't see the humor (reading some comments from article - some people are really offended) but wouldn't it be great if all people had that respect that The Rock gets without having to look like him? That was my impression. People don't harass people they respect.
  4. Cathead

    WOMEN ONLY "The Rock Test"

    I thought this was a great idea! The Rock Test: A Hack for Men Who Don’t Want To Be Accused of Sexual Harassment
  5. Cathead

    For those interested in Capri truck campers...

    Funny to see this post again after so long. I was, and still am researching the best truck camper for us. We have another 17 months to go, but the searching is fun too. The Capri is probably just too small for the two of us full time. I have never seen one, but I can say the company responds...
  6. Cathead

    Need help with organization/research

    Some sort of organization helps when I want to retrieve something quickly without having to go on a mission to find something all over again. I also agree with Optimistic, about getting it right the first time - does save money. Also saves time, and frustration - especially if one has memory...
  7. Cathead

    Need help with organization/research

    the basic xmind version is free, they have a fancy version for about $100. There are probably others.
  8. Cathead

    Need help with organization/research

    You might want to check something called a mind map. I'm using free software now "Xmind" that works well. You can organize however you want, then add links to documents or websites.
  9. Cathead

    Tips for Cutting Your Own Hair?

    I've been using CombPal for the last year. It's not very easy for me to get the back of my head with it, so spouse will start doing that part. It does a good job of getting the right length and I can do a better job than the pros have done. I used to have long hair and that was easy, until my...
  10. Cathead

    spoof video - why women are not in truck commercials

    highdesertranger, not sure why you can't see it. Maybe your could Google "The reason truck commercials don’t have more women in them"
  11. Cathead

    How much space does one person actually need?

    She'll stand by the bed and stare at me until it's made. :rolleyes:
  12. Cathead

    How much space does one person actually need?

    I make my bed so my dog can lie in it.
  13. Cathead

    spoof video - why women are not in truck commercials
  14. Cathead

    Canada Great Bear Rainforest is to be protected Wonderful news that Canada Great Bear Rainforest is to be protected.
  15. Cathead

    Vehicle choice and how do you couples deal with alone time

    BradKW, I'll have to head over to youtube and check those out.
  16. Cathead

    Vehicle choice and how do you couples deal with alone time

    We want a vehicle that can get to somewhat remote wilderness areas away from people , but want enough space to manage it together without getting on each others nerves. We get along very well but I know I need plenty of alone time. Curious as to what type vehicle couples have chosen and why...
  17. Cathead


    Thought this might be useful when considering wind/shade. : These "grip clips" have a smart design and have worked very well on tarps I used to extend the roof on our shed. Can use them instead of grommets on a tarp, but also to attach any two...
  18. Cathead

    battery bank in truck cab?

    I see, dangling the string so this cathead will follow! So, you have a truck camper on a service bed? If so, no problems with fit and tie down?
  19. Cathead

    battery bank in truck cab?

    Thanks for your comments everyone. highdesertranger, I'm not sure I understand where all four of your batteries are. Looks like you have one house battery and one starter battery under the hood, then where are the other three house batteries?