Woman's Forum: Walmart incident

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Well-known member
Sep 14, 2015
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I was parked at Walmart a couple of days ago and the weather was nice so I had only the screen door shut.  A car pulled up and a man of about forty years old or a little less just was sitting in his car looking in at me sitting on the sofa.  I guess his car would have been about thirty feet from my door.

He finally rolled down his window and said something.  I got up and went to the door and he said something about directions to a road.  I wasn't comfortable (starting to get the bad feeling) and told him I'm not from here and don't know where anything is.  

He said something else but I really couldn't hear him and said so.  He pointed to his throat and indicated that he had something wrong with his throat would I come out and come over - yeah right....

He then asked if I was stranded.  I told him no.  He asked if I would come with him and get a drink.  Again no.  Any man around fortyish trying to pick up a 58 year old fat broken leg woman is suspicious to say the least.  

He kept trying to get me to come over to his car.  I finally shut and locked the door.  

I saw him driving around and passing me many, many times watching the RV.

I saw him park and he was then focused on a woman walking across the parking lot.  I saw him reach back and pull something out of his back seat that looked like a club maybe.  I could see that he was stashing whatever it was somewhere in the front - maybe between the seats.

The woman walking across the parking lot had just made it about halfway up a pretty good embankment and he sped over to her.  It was a distance from me and I couldn't overhear what was said.  She looked back at him but didn't approach and turned and headed to the top of the road where there was a bench for the bus stop.

I saw him just sitting in the lot and watching her. She would turn her head once in a while - he could have been saying something.

Then he quickly drove around the parking lot and out and up to the street and drove right in front where she was. He stopped but only for a second or two as cars behind him were edging him on.  He repeated driving around and back to her several times. He drove back down into the lot and parked where he could watch her and the nearest place to the embankment that he could.

He was there, possibly trying to encourage her to come down to the car, for about fifteen minutes.  I looked away for a minute (wondering if the police were ever going to show up - they had been called).  I heard a yell and looked back and the woman was coming down the hill in a fury with her cell held up in front of her obviously taking photos.   The man in the car took off and I never saw him come back.  

She caught the bus and left.

45 min after the police were called one car showed up and cruised by the bus stop and then left never coming over to my rv for a report.  

This could have been very bad.  

Stay safe ladies.
Yikes! I'm so glad you kept yourself safe and the other woman too. I shudder to think...I can't even finish that statement.
:huh:  I'm so glad you didn't fall for that!  Also that other lady was on to him to.  After the local fruitcake cussed me and banged on my headlight with his fist I'm back to carrying tools/bat/machete all over the van.  
of course they wouldn't be much use in a gun fight.  I'll soon be prepared for that too.

In addition to my ice axe of doom, I'll have my six inch Buck, fixed blade, hunting knife on my belt. If I saw some creep loser like that I'd start cleaning my fingernails with it.
If you carry a baseball bat for defense, be sure to carry a ball and glove with it. A bat by itself is a weapon; a bat, glove and ball are sports equipment. Etc.
That's creepy!

"my husband and I are not from this area" -- make up a coupled story is the first defensive strategy.

Someone that is very direct with questions has to be met with a push back. "My husband and I aren't from around here." Creeps like that prey on the honest and vulnerable. Don't be honest.

Knowing me in that situation and as bold as I can be (this woman doesn't take kindly to intruders of any creepy kind), I'd probably snap photo his license plate; that itself he would know he's been caught and reported.
Quote CautionToTheWind: "...make up a coupled story is the first defensive strategy....comsnap photo his license plate..." endquote.

Two very good ideas that should be in the fore front of any solo woman's repertoire.
Wow that's horrible!!

I'm glad you came out physically unscathed and thank you for sharing that experience that we can all learn from it....It does make me realize how important it is to stay aware at all times, and now I realize I want to make a "Self Defense Action Plan"...

It's really a shame that the cops took so long to get there too...just more reason to motivate us to be well prepared!!
This could have been very bad.  

Stay safe ladies.
Are you comfortable saying where this was, or at least what part of the country? Thanks! PM me if you like.
Sure. It was in Columbia, MO.

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Damn, Cammalu, that sucks!! Glad you are unscathed.
I haven't had any trouble for many years Queen except for a rude boob man in the produce dept a few years back. He was pretty harmless but should have kept his big mouth shut. I already knew I had boobs he needn't tell me about it.

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A woman I know had an experience something like that (but not so intensive), and she took HIS picture. She had her phone in her pocket, and when he finally turned away, she pointed and aimed it, and said, "Excuse me!" and he turned back and she got the photo. I don't know if this would be a good thing to do, but it's something to consider. Play it by ear. And it might make a difference if other people are nearby.
CautionToTheWind said:
That's creepy!

"my husband and I are not from this area" -- make up a coupled story is the first defensive strategy.

Someone that is very direct with questions has to be met with a push back. "My husband and I aren't from around here." Creeps like that prey on the honest and vulnerable. Don't be honest.

Knowing me in that situation and as bold as I can be (this woman doesn't take kindly to intruders of any creepy kind), I'd probably snap photo his license plate; that itself he would know he's been caught and reported.

"My husband is in Walmart getting ammo for the AR-15 but as soon as he gets back I'm sure he will help you with directions." ....
Cammalu said:
Sure.  It was in Columbia, MO.  

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Wow I'm in St. Louis and heading right through Columbia. Thanks soooo much for the heads up!!!
Hey Cammalu, (I know you're on the road right now)

That's a very creepy experience! As for cops? I think these serious encounters call for serious action by ourselves as mentioned by
the posts above.

Get angry, real angry and build up that adrenaline for self defense even if just in appearance or attitude.

ONce long ago...

I got in a fight with my ex and took off walking at night , alone, dead of winter, bitter cold ..down residential streets. thankfully the street lights were on.
No one in their right mind would be out walking at that time, heh..

Sure enough I noticed a man following me. He'd keep back a bit, then follow me more. I was so HOT with anger from the ex' that I already
had a ton of 'fight' in me.

I stopped, turned back quickly to face him with my fists up, stared him down and growwled'' at him to "BACK OFF!!"

It worked! He got all like 'whoa whoa..." holding his hands up like ..'no don't hurt me' LOL then walked the opposite way.

Attitude is essential and carrying a small hunting knife is a plus!
A bow saw is very good. Good luck someone trying to grab one of those out of my hand.

If it weren't for our inner bodyguards, we ladies would be in trouble. I nevery worry about being rude.
WalkaboutTed: "I nevery worry about being rude."

Dammed right! The 'training' that girls get as children, drives me crazy. Don't be rude, don't be offensive, don't lose your temper, don't fight back. Let people annoy you, let people hurt you, don't be defensive, don't be obnoxious.
