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  1. Ariel

    Top 10 things I love most about living in my Van

    This was beautiful. Thanks. :)
  2. Ariel

    Shower options

    Ohh. That pump-up solar shower looks pretty sweet. I was thinking that a main hassle with the solar bag showers was finding a high place for it to hang. With this, you could let it warm anywhere and then bring it over to a place that is convenient/private to actually shower - even inside. I...
  3. Ariel

    Roleplaying Games & Nerdy Stuff

    Right you are. And here I am, more likely to assume that someone is dead when they are actually alive. Sorry, Abe Vigoda.
  4. Ariel


    My closest one is 14 grueling city miles away - hence I've only seen the inside of a Walmart twice in the last decade.... an emergency maxi-pad run [good selection] and an emergency wine run [dreadful selection]. Different occasions. :) However, I once briefly lived in a rural southern area...
  5. Ariel

    Roleplaying Games & Nerdy Stuff

    Questionable internet options aside, as the rp gaming generation ages, there's likely to be more and more willing pen and paper participants out on the road. Gary Gygax himself is 69, after all. How cool would it be to have a semi-stable group that gets together for regular sessions of an epic...
  6. Ariel

    Van dwelling with tent

    I'd never seen that TailVeil before - that's the first thing I've seen that would help make those pod trailers with the kitchen in the back not quite so ludicrously impractical in a mere drizzle.
  7. Ariel

    Roleplaying Games & Nerdy Stuff

    My husband Skypes into D&D sessions while travelling for work and the DM trains the webcam on the grid, so I suppose one could arrange for something like that. Not for me, though... I need to be IN YO' FACE. Drama classes have helped. :p
  8. Ariel

    Roleplaying Games & Nerdy Stuff

    Yeah, neither can I.  I used to do quite a lot of text-based online roleplaying games about ten years ago.  Those were pure RP with some mechanical combat or skill aspects, but those games have either dried up and died or have become intolerably inbred as people moved on to graphical online...
  9. Ariel

    Roleplaying Games & Nerdy Stuff

    I certainly hope I can find fellow gamers on the road.  Happy to see this thread! Right now I play D&D 3.5 and 5th edition and am always up for Shadowrun, Call of Cthulhu, you name it.  I could see this working for one-off adventures with pre-gen characters if you're out at gatherings with...
  10. Ariel

    Upcoming Van-Dweller and Hardcore Prepper!

    As a former history major and wife of a professional historian, I'd say that the former is possible... and that the latter happens all the time. ;)
  11. Ariel

    Upcoming Van-Dweller and Hardcore Prepper!

    Chance - even if you don't use school to go hunker down with a career or whatever, which I completely respect, keep two things in mind: 1. You will appreciate the things out there in the world a thousand times more deeply if you have a foundation of knowledge to go with it.  I'd never have...
  12. Ariel

    getting a job on the road

    I wouldn't write off Craigslist while on the road - anyone looking for temporary or seasonal help will list there.  College bookstores need temp parking attendants and cashiers before quarters start, there's pumpkin and tree sellers seasonally, paint prep gigs... things you won't find elsewhere...
  13. Ariel

    Dog Questions

    Along with the encouragement, I also appreciate the doses of reality; I don't find them harsh or unnecessarily negative.  I'm approaching these questions from a position of complete ignorance, so I need all the perspectives.  Since, as some of you have said, this is indeed a major life...
  14. Ariel

    Dog Questions

    Wow - thank you all so much for the thoughtful replies.  Now I don't feel nearly so kooky about starting to think about this well ahead of time.  You each gave important food for thought. Thank you especially to decodancer and the encouraging words about small dogs.  After reading more last...
  15. Ariel

    Dog Questions

    I’ve been thinking about safety and companionship while being a solitary nomad.  I’ve always been a cat person and will definitely want to have a feline companion with me (in fact, a fair portion of the time I spent exploring my TC of choice recently was used trying to figure out where the heck...
  16. Ariel

    Business Cards?

    It's a good idea. I even had some business cards made for my 10 year old son. He has some trouble making friends with similar interests and we noticed that he would sometimes meet kids he liked at the park, museums, or out hiking. They would hit it off... and that would be that. He would...
  17. Ariel

    Can I go now?

    ZOMG. I just got back from the Tacoma RV Show and I was thrilled to find that they had two of the first Northern Lites to come off the line from the newly rebuilt factory (if not the very first two). Oh man... no amount of photos or videos can compare to actually being inside your dream home...
  18. Ariel

    End of the Washing Machine and blessing to RVers?

    Sounds interesting. Great if it really works, but I'll let someone else shell out the $89 first. ;) Still have to wring soggy, heavy clothes, though... *shudder*
  19. Ariel

    Lazy Bastage Tips

    Flirtin' with danger using that Pyrex on a stove top... any major temperature fluctuation and you'll have a shard impaled in your eye.
  20. Ariel

    Stealth signs

    I was actually thinking today about whether or not signage like that wouldn't actually just make you more of a target for thieves. I live in a city with significant property crime and I've known more than a couple of trade vans with windows smashed - thieves looking for tools, copper, or the...