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  1. T

    $100,000 in debt, has not graduated

    Well, since I didn't read the article or personally talk to the 24 year old, it would be difficult to judge "why". I racked up a large amount of student loan debt going to college and grad school. I really had no real world experience or knowledge of financial matters in general. My parents...
  2. T

    A good photo sharing site?

    Well, that depends on your definition of "easy" and what exactly you want to do. Share a few photos at a time? Limit sharing to particular people (using permissions)? Add comments to your photos? Use your method of sharing as a backup? Organize using metadata (tagging)? Prefer a certain level of...
  3. T

    Too poor to retire and too young to die

    This article was very sad. Since I haven't lived this woman's life or know what her previous choices were and what they were based on, I am not going to judge her based on wild assumptions from scant bits of presented information. I empathize with her situation. There have been times in my life...
  4. T

    Old Folks ever shrinking world.

    Eh, it's probably a choice. When I was a teenager, my family lived next to an elderly woman in her early 70s. She was aged beyond her years because she had broken her hip in her 50s, and her doctor botched her surgery. She walked hunched over and in pain, but I never ever heard her complain...
  5. T

    Any scientific / academic types here?

    I have a BS in Engineering and spent a few years in grad school for an MS. I've worked at research universities and organizations for most of my academic and professional life. So if you have specific questions, I may be able to help. Understood. But this ennui happens to engineers, scientists...
  6. T

    Could Van Dwellers learn from this ?

    I wonder where this guy went to hs. My hs reunion was held just a few weeks ago. It was arranged on FB, and it appeared every effort was made to ensure everyone was extended an invitation. My family had moved around quite a bit when I was a kid (non-military). Although I went to eight...
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    Living Vicariously

    Wow, that family is surely inspirational! And their kids' classroom is experiencing the world through their travels - much better than from lectures & books. I've added the book to my to-read list. Thanks for sharing!
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    Living Vicariously

    Haha ... too true  :-)  It is all relative  :-)
  9. T

    Living Vicariously

    Haha! Too funny  :-) I do have the bucket "toilet" system - and I thought about getting a porta potty. But I'm currently in a car, so there really isn't room for the latter. Something to think about for the future. The freezer bags are a good idea. Thanks for your response!
  10. T

    Living Vicariously

    Actually, that sounds like it would have been fun for everyone ... always off on an adventure  :-) Agreed. My SO appears to have tied much of his self worth to achieving that dream. But I think a lot of people do. That is exactly how I feel. Also, I had a life threatening illness a few years...
  11. T

    Living Vicariously

    Yep, I've done dry runs like this also. And not having water facilities was an issue. I too need my showers ... preferably every day, but definitely not longer than every other day. Yep, this happens every time I return from my trips. For me it is because I am not being true to myself. I am...
  12. T

    Living Vicariously

    Funny you say that ... the only potential downside to mobile living (for me) is lack of plumbing. I'm a chick her likes her plumbing  :-) I do hope within the next few years! It sounds like a great time! Thanks! I don't remember if I read it or not ... but even if so, it is time for a review...
  13. T

    Living Vicariously

    Hello all! Even though I've been lurking - and occasionally posting - in these forums for almost two years, I haven't introduced myself in Newcomer's Corner yet. So I thought it was about time! I am an engineer, but currently taking a hiatus to work on a few unrelated businesses. I'd love to...
  14. T

    Sewing, knitting, alterations

    Sounds like a good idea  :-)  It is doable, but as others have pointed out, it depends on what you plan to sell and where you sell it. Since you are on the road, my guess is that you don't have lots of space to store stuff. So I'd recommend something along the lines of what Bob suggested - on...
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    Freedom; my new chapter

    The last pic made me smile  :-)  You look so happy! Very nice setup. Enjoy  :-)
  16. T

    'stuck' independence vs relationship

    You are in a tough position. All choices involve some pain. I do empathize. Compromise has been brought up a lot, and my suggestion is to tread carefully. I am the queen of compromise. Everyone wants different things in life, and compromise can resolve conflict, resulting in a win/win. However...
  17. T

    The Philosophy of Small

    Yeah, for a long while I believed in the American Dream, bigger is better, etc. The end result was that I didn't feel happy; I felt like an indentured slave. I thought about how constant material growth is simply not sustainable. The only thing that I know of that grows without bounds is a...
  18. T

    Back road traveling

    Hmmm ... I took route 3 from Anchorage to Fairbanks, route 2 from Fairbanks to Delta Junction, route 4 from Delta Junction to Glennallen and returned to Anchorage via route 1. They were all like back roads to me ... and since it was May, there was still damage to some of them due to the winter...
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    Back road traveling

    I travel the highways most of the time to get to my destination. Then after arrival, drive the backroads. For example, I drove from Pennsylvania to Oregon then hooked 101 down the coast from Newport, OR to LA and veered off onto a few scenic sections of route 1 that hug the coast. It was one of...
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    Walking away from your Debt

    Sorry, I've never walked away from any debt. I did dream of a debt free life each month I wrote a $1000 check to the Department of Education during my student loan repayment though. I've known several people who have simply stopped paying their mortgages. In all cases their credit was destroyed...