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  1. M

    Anyone got a good chili receipe?

    Yeah, I found cooking the chili and typing up exactly how I cooked the chili were two very different beasts xD. The sport and banana peppers I had were canned, so putting in with meat would have stopped the browning altogether. Also the pot was huge and I was cautious to put the spices in with...
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    Anyone in WI staying through winter?

    JuliaAnne2018, We are here for now in WI, but planning on leaving next weekend as yes, it got awful cold awful fast. (Dropped from 70's high/40's low, 2 days later 40's high, 20's low!) Our son's great grandmother is having a bit of separation anxiety with the thought of us traveling out of...
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    Anyone got a good chili receipe?

    @Weight no truer words have been spoken xD *Correction, I actually used 28oz cans of crushed and diced tomatoes, and also through in some left over spaghetti sauce, which yeilded about 2 gallons of chili! Happy eating :)
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    Anyone got a good chili receipe?

    Okay so I just cooked a huge pot of chili last night, was craving *the* chili from a certain restaurant and had to try my hand at recreating! (Meat can be purchased in any size, buy less if you have less space to store) -Beef stew tips (omit if low on fridge space) -Pork tenderloin -A few...
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    Women Only: New and desperately needing some guidance

    K, In a bout of my own anxieties pertaining to my self-image, what I imagined my image to be to others particularly my mother, my life's purpose (or seeming lack-thereof), Lao Tzu's quotation found me when I needed it most: "If you are depressed you are living in the past. If you are anxious...
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    Ford Taurus, my current travel vehicle

    Hi there travelaround :) We had a Ford Taurus for a number of years that took us on many several-night canoe-camping trips. For my family of 3, we'd bring a 7 gallon Aqua-Tainer ($15 from Wal-Mart, also sold at other locations such as R.E.I.), and found that we could last 4 solid days of...
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    KIDS at RTR?

    Hello and welcome HotSpringsCyclist! Well, my husband and I are planning to make it to the RTR, with our 10 (11 in December) year old son (!!) Also bringing bikes with us, and also homeschooling him! Exciting times will be had :D
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    just another newbie dreamer... for now

    Welcome, Jill. :) Was curious about what you could tow with your subaru, and while it's technically breaking the rules for me to post a link directing away from the site....(I'm not promoting my own blog or trying to sell something so maybe it doesn't quite count) 5 Lightweight (under 1500 lbs)...
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    Forgot but here I am

    Definitely understand staying so you're near mom :). Considering the long life of your parents, God willing you still have many more years ahead of you! In the meantime between camping trips you can always live vicariously through the many, many YouTubers out there, and of course through the...
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    My (summarized) Story

    @RoamerRV428 I totally agree that those who have a family support system are given the opportunity to thrive, well said. :) I think really it's not so important monetarily what we can give our kids, but our relationship with them that matters most. Of course, financially helping her through...
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    My (summarized) Story

    @travelaround All I can think is, "Wow." Also, congrats on graduating...twice :)
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    My (summarized) Story

    :D Too funny we were typing replies to each other at the same time!! It really is great to chat with like minded people, something I've been needing but didn't know it. She is extremely fortunate to have a mother like you. In my family, the tradition has basically been once your 18, you're an...
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    Forgot but here I am

    Hey there, now it's my turn to welcome you! :D Exactly what you mention about your child graduating with friends is the trade-off we've ultimately made for the freedom of the road. Before the RV we were renters, so our son only ever knew packing up and moving every year or so when the lease was...
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    My (summarized) Story

    Thanks to all for the warm welcome. *hugs* @travelaround Yes! I absolutely love homeschooling, and likewise so does our son. My family is not devoid of nay-sayers (how will he have friends? how do you know he's not "behind"? are you really "schooling" him?), so getting support from others like...
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    My (summarized) Story

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    My (summarized) Story

    Hi  :) . I'd like to start replying to posts, so I figure I'd better introduce myself first. Been perusing this site for over a year now (thank you, Bob) and finally registered as a user earlier this week! Backtrack to 2013, my partner (theNomadicHacker) and I came to the realization that we...